Chapter 38

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Third person POV

"Come on!... "

Vera basically pulled Julius along with her through the mall's hallways stopping at every shop to stare through the windows but end up not even going in.

She pulled him up to a dress store and stopped gawking at a gorgeous red backless gown that was on display as the newest piece

"If you like it we can buy it doll"

She bit on her lower lip thinking

It's not that pretty"

Julius knowing very well that she was lying took her hand and pulled her in to the store.
Immediately he stepped foot into the store

Everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared at him.
His presence demanded attention

A woman rushed up to him with a rather unnecessary smile plastered on her face

"Good day Mr Chrysanthos
May we help you with anything? "

Vera watched in shock as his whole demeanor changed.
He stood firm and straight as he looked around the store, she could feel the same power radiating off him like it was when they first met.

He always found a way to make anyone loose their concentration and composure just by a single glance.

"My wife and I would like to see that piece"

Julius pointed to the red dress Vera was admiring earlier and the woman's eyes lit up as she scurried off to get the dress

"I don't think it's even gonna fit me"

Vera pouted at Julius.

"I'm sure it'll look gorgeous on you.
If anyone can pull off a dress like that it's my doll now give me one of your cheeky smiles"

She smiled blushing a little.
The woman rushed back to them with the dress in her hands

"Here you go Madame.
The dressing rooms are right around the back.
Please come in Sir"

She led them to the back of the store and they hadn't realised it was this big.

They were shown a whole different area with lounge chairs and tables.
There were three rooms that had more racks filled with designer dresses, evening gowns and so much more.

The woman left them alone in the lounge room to get more options.
Julius walked up to Vera who still looked a bit skeptic about the dress.

"Don't worry doll.
Just go try it on"

She looked at him worried

"Just for me"

She nodded walking in to one of the rooms and leaving a crack open.
Julius waited for Vera as she stripped and slipped into the dress.

"How is it.
It's a bit too much"

Julius turned and was stunned.
The dress clung at her curves perfectly and it looked ravishing on her.

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