Chapter 18

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Julius's POV

Things have juts been changing.
Oddly enough I don't feel like being rude to Vera.

The way I see her has changed. I feel she deserves alot more than the attitude I've been giving her.
Yesterday when she helped me with my wounds I just stared at her.

I don't know why but I just stared.
No one had showed me so much care apart from mum,dad and Aldonis but hers felt special.
I'v seriously not been feeling like myself so I just summed it up to a fever.
It was a stupid conclusion but it's what my mind could accept rather than I had started developing feelings for Vera.

I preferred the fever.

Aldonis walked in and took a curt nod.
I nodded back to acknowledge him and he walked up to my table


There was a break in in one of our cells
And Ludwick escaped"

Damn it!
I fisted my hand, dropping it on the table with a loud bang

"He wasn't alone boss.
His nephew helped him.
They ambushed us and also took a bunch of our inmates along"

This is not good.
They took our inmates meaning now they have more allies and we have more.... Enemies

"And they left a note on the walls with gun powder.
"We're coming for your jewel"
Before the place went up in flames,but we were able to put it out"

This was a direct threat.

"What did he mean by jewel?"

"Sir I believe he meant something important to you"

"I don't want to find out the hard way.
Aldonis inform father about this so he'll be alert as well.
Double security around the house and put us on lockdown for now.
We don't know where they are going to attack from, its better we are prepared"

Aldonis nodded

"Inform our units to deploy some men over for more security.
They should be the best of the best and new weaponry should be sent to our weapon room to fill it.
Anything from pocket knifes to daggers, to hand guns,to AKs , to granades to bombs to missiles to -.
Basically a refill of everything we have"

Aldonis nodded and scurried  off and I was left thinking .
Who did they regard my jewel?


Ludwick was aware we were getting married.
They must think she is my jewel.
I needed to make sure she was safe at home.
I picked up the phone to call Mrs Juli

"Hello son"
Her sweet old voice came through and it managed to relax me

"Hello Mrs Juli.
I'm calling to ask where Vera is.
Can you give her the phone?"
I was seriously on edge right now.

She and Cyrus left the house about an hour or two ago"
My heart dropped
And I just ended the call.

She wasn't at home!
Where the fuck did she go with Cyrus of all fucking people.

The Mafia Don Wants Me {Not Edited}Where stories live. Discover now