Chapter 36

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Julius's POV

"Vera dear please open up"

We stood outside her room door.
This was my last resort.

I didn't know what else would be able to bring her out.

I heard light footsteps approach the door and the lock was heard.

For a while we stood there.
Nothing happening.
I reached for the door handle and pushed it open.

My eyes fell on Vera as she was curled up in a ball at the corner of her room in an overdose sized hoodie and cute socks.
I tried my best not to find the scene cute.

Her parents followed behind me as I walked up to her.
Squating down to her level i cupped her face in my hands.
She looked worn out and her hair clung to her tear stained cheeks.

Her glassy dove eyes peered up at me and it made my chest tighten seeing her like this.
I lifted her small frame in my arms (bridal style)

Walking over to her bed I sat her down on my lap and her parents took a place beside us.
I rubbed her back in a circular motion to try calm her down.

"What happened to my real parents"

Her quiet voice wouldn't have been heard if the room wasn't silent

"Vera dear we are so sorry we didn't them you sooner.

We just got so attached to you we were scared to loose you when you found out".
Her dad started

"But it is no excuse for us not telling you ,we know and we are so very sorry my love.
We feel horrible you found out this way trust me"
Her mum was on the verge of tears but Vera wasn't fazed by it.

It broke my heart to see my doll so emotionless

"It happened when you were only 3 years old"
Her mum started after a sigh ,seeing Vera was in no mood to listen to their apologies

"Your mum and dad, well your dad.
He was the ruler of the Russian mafia at the time"

"There was an uprising and they were murdered"

I felt Vera become unsteady for moment as I noticed her breathing became uneven and tears filled her eyes.

"T-they were killed? "
Her voice came out in a whisper.

I tried to suith her by rubbing her back the more

and we saved you "

We had to protect you.
If we hadn't taken you in then you would have likely been taken by the new rulers and been forced to either marry their son or become a slave to serve them.

We are truly sorry we kept it from you"

Vera didn't say a word after that but Miya was in tears as she spoke.

"Now you know we can give you this"

She handed Vera a note book and a box.
Vera accepted them but didn't say a word to them.

They took that as their que and got up to leave.
I sat Vera down on her bed and placed a kiss on her forehead before going to see them out.

"Please take care of my Vera"
Miya said sniffling

"I promise"

They left with Lionel.

I let out a deep sigh as I walked back to Vera's room with a bowl of her favourite snacks and mine she always loved to steal.

I walked in to see her clutching unto the book crying as she laid down on her bed.

I walked in and dropped all the snacks on her bed drawer as I got in beside her.
She was backing me and I felt awful.

After a few moments she turned to me and clung to me ,putting her hands around me she burried her face into my chest.
I held her close placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"I miss them"
Her words came out in more of a whisper but I heard her

"I know you do and i'm sure they miss you too where ever they are"
I smiled down at her when she looked up at me with swollen eyes and tear stained cheeks.

I wiped her tears away and kissed her soft lips

"Don't cry anymore doll.

I love you "

She stared at me for a second before she placed a kiss on my lips

"I love you too"

"And guess what? "

"What? "

She asked with the enthusiasm I have been craving to see and the shimmer in her eyes returned

"I brought your favourite snacks so we can watch a movie"

She squealed jumping out of the bed she got the remote and threw her hair into a messy bun and turned to me.
I laughed at her red cheeks as she stared down at her feet.

I got out of the bed and walked to her.

"Your so adorable"

Her blush increased, running up her nose.
I pinched her jaw and connected our lips in a slow and passionate kiss.

I stared down at her as I bit on my lower lip.
She gave me a slow nod and I connected our lips again as I placed my hand under her thighs and she jumped, straddling me.

I walked us over to the bed not breaking the kiss and I laid her below me.
I trailed kisses from her jaw line to her collar bone as she fisted my hair and I pleasured her further while she released breathless moans.

I pulled away before it could go any further but she cupped my face in her hands

"I'm ready"


Hey nuelllites❤

The love birds are finally together
I'm so happy

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