Chapter 29

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Third POV

Julius's health had been improving and so has his want for Vera.

His mum left them knowing well that Vera could take care of him.
He had started walking on his own but was still adviced to rest for the time being.

He stayed away from work per the doctor's advice and he never missed a chance to make Vera blush or faulter in whatever she was doing either by small gestures or teasing.

Vera on the other hand never protested but she was conflicted whether to take his gestures as love for her or to take them as him exacting his rights on her.
She found herself getting worked up thinking about it

"It's silly you think he doesn't love you"

Vera had turned to her best friend for help, knowing she would be able to understand her uncertainty

"It's not silly.
It's completely justified.
If he loved me he would have told me "

She sighed running a hand through her hair

"All he has done for you isn't enough to tell you he loves you.
He brought your family to you and he kissed you in front of the whole freaking world. What else do you need as confirmation"

"I just don't know when it comes to him.
I may be over thinking this"

"Ofcourse you are .
Just shut up, stop thinking and just enjoy your life.
You love Julius right?"

She raised her brows at Vera

"Yeah i-"

The both girls turned towards the door as Julius walked into the kitchen

"What are you doing here?
Your not supposed to leave your room "

Vera asked walking up to him

"I know I know.
I was missing you"

He wrapped his hands around her waist pulling her to him.
In reflex her hands fell on his chest

"Y-you should go back to your room"

She couldn't hide the blush that ran across her nose.

"I'll give you two some privacy"
Lexi pushed herself off the chair and despite the glare Vera kept giving her to stay, she scurried off before she could get intimidated.

Vera looked up at Julius to find him staring at her with a pool of emotions in his eyes

"..... Why do you keep staring"

She asked trying not to sound rude

"Because your beautiful and i stare because I think I'm dreaming.
I still can't believe your mine"

Butterflies erupted in Vera's stomach as she nibbled on her lower lip nervously thinking of what to say

I'm no one special

I'm just your wife. It's very believable "

She so badly wanted to hear him say the three words that have been keeping her up at night.

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