Chapter 20

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Vera's POV

The kiss never left my mind.
I kept remembering images of the kiss and I couldn't think of anything else.

I didn't want to tell Lexi because I knew what she would say ,so I kept it to myself and bottled it up.

I was making breakfast with Mrs Juli in the kitchen and as usual I was sitted enjoying her famous cookies and I zoned out


I blinked and shook my head coming back to my senses I let out an awkward laugh

"Wanna tell me what's bothering you"
I looked up and saw her staring down at me as she set down my plate of bacon and pancakes.

"I-its nothing"
I sighed

"Okay okay.
So that kiss didn't mean anything"

My head shot up and I looked at Mrs Juli. The mischievous grin and raised eyebrow made me blush

"Who-who t-told you"
I looked away to hide my red cheeks face

"Aldonis is a real blabber mouth you know "
She giggled at my reaction.

I groaned hiding my face in my palms

"It's not a bad thing to have feelings for your husband"
She stressed the 'your husband'

"That's the thing I don't know if I have feelings for him mrs juli.
He's complicated and difficult.
And he was under the influence.
It didn't mean anything"

I looked down at my plate

"It's sound like your trying to convince yourself more than your trying to convince me"
She let out a quick sigh
"But I'll let you admit it to yourself.
Don't stress over it okay?
I'm sure Julius won't even remember. Until Aldonis tells him that is"

I looked up at her and she laughed .

But she was right .
What would Julius's reaction be when he is told he kissed me.
That's if he doesn't already know.

I had noticed security around the house has been buffed up.
I had started going out to the gardens lately

I had this favourite wood chair I loved to sit down on and take some air while I read

But off recent anytime I went out I could see four to five guards dressed in all black with black sunshades and you guessed it black ear pods stationed at each corner.

It felt uncomfortable as they always had their eyes on me.
Anytime I looked up they were talking into their ear piece and it made me mad.
We're they spying on me or something.

Could this be Julius's doing.
He was keeping an eye on me so I won't leave the house!
He's got alot of nerve.
He was able to ruin my new found peace even without being here.

I walked inside the house and met Cyrus watching TV.
I wondered why I never actually saw him in Julius's office .
He was always at home.
I went over and sat beside him.
He was watching a telenovela serie and it was so cheesy I couldn't stand to look at the screen for long before I turned to him to see all his attention was on me instead.

I shifted uncomfortably as he stared at me

So you like that?"
I gestured to the television in front of us but he didn't even look he just kept his gaze on me.

I like her very much"
I blinked at him.
What the fuck was wrong with Cyrus and I know I didn't just hear "her" .

I stood from the sofa before things got out of hand.
All of a sudden someone caged me from behind forcing a hankerchief into my nose.
I struggled in the person's grip but immediately I inhaled my vision started going blurry.
My head started spinning and my eyes were closing .
The person let me go and I fell into someone's arms. I saw their face before I completely blacked out .

Cyrus's face was the last thing I remembered


Heyyy nuelllites ❤️

End of Chapter 20!

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