Chapter 37

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Third person POV

Vera's eyes fluttered open and she rubbed them a little.

Looking at Julius peacefully sleeping she smiled to herself.
Tracing his abs and chest with the tip of her fingers she just took notice of his rose tattoo at his side

"Morning gorgeous"

She tried to pretend like she was asleep but was already caught

Her cheeks turned crimson

"I see you were admiring my tattoo"

I mean yes.
It's beautiful"

"I got it five years ago.
It was supposed to be a reminder that love and war were the two things in my life hence the rose and the sword but the sword dominated "

Vera just took in the information with a clueless face.

"Vera is Julius here.... "

Aldonis drifted off when he saw them in bed butt ass naked

"Shit! "

Vera panicked and hid her face in Julius's chest and he threw the covers over her properly

"It's not hard to fucking knock!! "

"Sorryyyyy!!! "

He shouted rushing out

Julius looked down and laughed at Vera's bright red face.
It was as red as her hair

"It's not funny"

She said sitting up holding the covers to her bare chest.
She glared at Julius

"Your right it is not funny.
Where are you going? "

Julius pulled Vera back to him holding her even tighter

"Let me go.
I wanna help Mrs Juli in the kitchen..... "

She pouted at him

"No your not going anywhere.
Just 15 more minutes"

Julius gave her his sad eyes and didn't wait for her response before squeezing her closer to himself not wanting to let go of this moment.

"Julius...... "
She whined

"No! "
He refused to let her go and his grip only tightened around her waist.

I wanted to ask if Aldonis was free today"

He looked down at her with a crease in between his brows


I wanted to go shopping.
For some stuff"

She turned pink looking away

"And you said if I wanted to go out he'll have to come along"

The Mafia Don Wants Me {Not Edited}Where stories live. Discover now