A Contest in Kanto

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3rd Person POV

Ash woke up again around 3 PM. He stood up groggily, stretched, and after realizing what time it was, quickly got dressed and headed down to the lobby. Pikachu was already gone, but Ash wasn't too worried; Pikachu had gone out on his own several times. He looked around for any of his friends but didn't see them anywhere.

"They're probably watching a match right now," Ash thought to himself as he stepped outside. On his way to the stadium, he noticed a park where many trainers were relaxing with their Pokémon. Near a bench, he spotted a blue-haired girl he knew well.

"Hey, Dawn!" he called out.

Dawn turned around, smiled, and waved him over. "Ash! Over here!"

When Ash reached her, he saw Pikachu lounging contentedly by Dawn's side. He scratched the Electric Type's ears, eliciting a happy "Pika!" and then sat down on the bench.

"I thought you'd be watching the battles," Ash said, leaning back.

"I would, but there's no one to really root for, so I decided to come here for a while," Dawn replied. She gestured to the tranquil park scene. "It's nice to just relax sometimes."

"Yeah, I get that," Ash said. He glanced around, watching the various trainers and their Pokémon. "Any plans?"

"Actually, yes," Dawn said, her eyes lighting up. "I'm thinking of going to Kalos soon. They're starting these contest-like competitions called Showcases. I want to try them since I've already done contests in two regions."

"That sounds awesome!" Ash said with genuine enthusiasm. "I'm not sure when I should head to Kalos. I think it's better for me to go home first and then leave for Kalos. I don't want to rush."

"That makes sense," Dawn agreed. She paused for a moment, then perked up. "Hey, since we have nothing to do right now, want to watch a Pokémon Contest? It's right around the block."

"The Unova Pokémon League Semifinals are right there," Ash said, pointing to the massive stadium in the distance.

"It's fine," Dawn insisted, her smile widening. "You can watch battles all the time. You've never seen a Pokémon Contest in Unova before, have you? Come on, it'll be fun!"

Ash sighed, but he couldn't resist her enthusiasm. "Alright, I guess."

"Yes! Come on!" Dawn said happily, grabbing Ash's hand and leading him toward the contest hall. Pikachu and Piplup followed close behind, chattering excitedly.

The streets were bustling with activity as they made their way to the contest hall. Vendors were selling various Pokémon-themed merchandise, and trainers were chatting animatedly about the latest battles and contests. Dawn led them through the crowd with ease, her confidence and familiarity with the scene evident.

Once they reached the building, Dawn led them to the desk to get tickets.

"I'm Dawn Berlitz," she said to the man at the desk. He typed into the computer for a moment and then nodded.

"Right this way, Miss Berlitz," he said, handing her two tickets.

Ash raised an eyebrow as they made their way to their seats. "How did you get in without buying tickets?"

"I have a pass to all contests since I perform," Dawn explained. "Everyone who performs gets one." She pointed to the stage. "Look, the battle rounds are about to start."

Ash looked up at the stage, where two trainers were approaching the battlefield. It was a large pool, indicating that Water-Type Pokémon would likely be used. The scene brought back memories of when he had participated in a Pokémon Contest with Dawn. He had lost a round with Buizel against a trainer with a Lanturn. It had been fun, but he wasn't too keen on trying it again.

The trainers sent out their Pokémon, and the timer began. The person on the right was definitely the more experienced trainer, confidently commanding her Pokémon. The other trainer seemed hesitant and unsure.

After a few minutes, the buzzer rang, and the girl on the right had won the match. It had gotten a little close near the end, but she managed to secure the win.

"Okay, that was interesting. Can we go now?" Ash asked, turning to Dawn.

"Seriously?" Dawn pouted. "We just got here."

"Come on, there's no point in watching if there's no one to root for," Ash said with a triumphant smirk.

Dawn sighed but stood up. "I guess. But when I'm doing Showcases in Kalos, you're watching all of them."

"I was going to anyway," Ash said with a chuckle.

As they walked outside the building, a lady handed them a flyer.

"If you guys are interested in participating in contests, make sure you consider going to this one. Wallace is going to be there!" she said before walking away.

Ash looked at the flyer and pointed at it. "Hey, look. They're starting a new contest chain in Kanto, and like the lady said, Wallace is going to be there."

Dawn's eyes widened. "In Kanto?! There's no way I'd pass up a trip to Kanto and a chance to see THE Wallace. Wait, when is it?"

"It's in three days," Ash replied, looking up from the flyer.

"Well, that's not too bad, I guess. But I'll have to leave tomorrow. There's no way I can get tickets now."

"I might be able to help with that," Ash said with a smirk. "Coordinators aren't the only ones who get special passes."

"You mean... you can get on any flight you want?" Dawn asked, hope flickering in her eyes.

"As long as the tickets aren't sold out. We should probably check. But I have to be on the plane with you, or they won't let you board. So I guess my Unova trip is going to be cut a little short."

"What? No, I can't do that," Dawn said, shaking her head.

"It's fine, Dawn. The sooner I get back home, the sooner I can get to Kalos. So, you might want to start packing your stuff."

Dawn looked at Ash for a moment, her expression softening. "Thanks, Ash. You're the best."

"Anytime," Ash replied with a grin. "Let's get going. We have a lot to do before you leave."

They walked back to the hotel, chatting animatedly about their upcoming plans. Ash felt a sense of excitement building inside him. It was always an adventure with Dawn, and he couldn't wait to see what Kalos had in store for both of them.


A/N: Yay next chapter. I'll try to update this book again this week, so then we can finally get the story moving along. 1000 words cyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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