Charizard and Pewter City

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3rd Person POV

Ash woke up the next morning around 9 AM. He got ready and walked downstairs to see Dawn and his mom already up. His mom was making breakfast while Dawn was watching and feeding Piplup.

"Hey Ash, good morning," Dawn said when she saw him.

"Morning, Dawn. Morning, Mom," Ash replied.

"Sit down, Ash. Breakfast is ready. We ate half an hour ago," Delia said with a sigh. No matter how old Ash got, he always woke up late.

"At 8:30?! What time do you people get up?!" Ash exclaimed as he started working on his pancakes.

Delia and Dawn both internally face-palmed.

After Ash finished eating, he went into the hall where Dawn was sitting.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Ash asked. "We've got all day to kill some time."

"Um... I dunno," Dawn responded. "Wait! Isn't Brock a Gym Leader here?"

Ash internally cringed, realizing he hadn't visited any of his friends or told them he was coming back. He smacked his head and sighed.

"Right, how did I forget?" Ash said.

Dawn chuckled and stood up. "Well, I'm ready to go. How far is Pewter City?"

"Well, it took me around three days on my first try, so I'd say about a day on foot," Ash replied.

"Oh... then how are we going to get there?" Dawn asked.

Ash smiled. "You'll see."

Timeskip brought to you by Alternate Dimension Giratina who has time powers

Ash walked into Professor Oak's Lab with Dawn in tow.

"Hey, Professor Oak! It's me, Ash," Ash said as he walked around.

"Ash! How have you been? The Pokémon you've caught in Unova have given me great data for my research. For the first time, I think you actually tried to catch a lot of Pokémon. However, I don't think that ended too well for your tournament," Oak rambled as he walked out.

Ash winced at the reminder of his defeat. Dawn noticed and grabbed his hand, nodding to reassure him.

"Y-Yeah, anyway, Professor Oak, can I have Charizard? We're going to fly to Pewter City."

"Of course, Ash. Who are you going to send to me?"

"Unfezant," Ash replied and handed Oak the Pokéball.

"Alright then. By the way, Charizard came back from Charicific Valley last night, so he should be pretty excited to see you. Make sure you say hi to all of your Pokémon as well."

"Oh, right. I kind of forgot about that," Ash said, chuckling nervously.

After about 30 minutes, when Ash finished meeting his Pokémon and spending some time with them, he got up and decided he and Dawn should probably start.

He waved bye to his Pokémon and held a Pokéball in his hand. This one was one of his original Pokémon and his strongest as well.

"Alright, Ash. Come on. I want to see your Charizard," Dawn said.

"Alright, come on out, Charizard!" Ash called out.

The Pokéball opened, a bright blue light forming into the shape of a dragon, and then faded. Standing 14 feet tall, the orange Fire-Type roared, showing its power.

"Hey, Charizard!" Ash said, giving the big Pokémon a hug.

Charizard roared again in happiness and sent a Flamethrower at Ash.

"Argh... It's nice to see you too, buddy," Ash said, still seared from the flames.

"Oh my gosh," Dawn said in surprise. "I didn't know Charizards could get this big."

"Me neither. Oh, this is Dawn, by the way," Ash said, pointing to the blue-haired girl.

Charizard growled and waved.

"So, can you take us to Pewter City? We're going to see Brock," Ash asked.

Charizard nodded and let Ash climb up on its back. Dawn did the same, and in a few moments, they were flying off to Pewter City.

While flying, Dawn wrapped her hands around Ash's waist and held tight.

Ash began to blush at the contact and tried to shake it off. Ever since his mom had talked to him about whether he had any romantic ties with Dawn, he started to become more nervous around her. He had no idea why he kept getting butterflies in his stomach every time she got close to him, but he was going to find out.

"It's beautiful from up here," Dawn said, smiling.

"Yeah, it is," Ash managed to say, still focused on Dawn's arms around his waist.

After about 30 minutes, they could see the outskirts of Pewter City. On the route entering the city, they landed, and Ash returned Charizard. Then, Ash and Dawn walked into the city, which was essentially inside a quarry. Ash led the way to Pewter City Gym, the place where he got his first Gym Badge.

The nostalgia was really starting to hit, and Ash started to get lost in his memories.

"Hey, Ash," Dawn said, shaking the trainer. "I think we're here."

Ash took a deep breath and nodded. "Just get ready for the stupid light show we're going to have to see."

They walked into the gym, and as soon as they stepped inside, bright lights flashed on the stage as a deep voice grimly addressed the challengers. 

"Welcome to the Pewter City Gym," Brock's voice boomed over the speakers. 

Ash groaned. "He always has to do this."

Dawn laughed. "It's kind of fun, though."

Brock appeared on the stage, striking a dramatic pose. "Ash! Dawn! What a surprise!"

"Brock!" Ash called out, waving.

"It's great to see you both!" Brock said, walking over to greet them. "I didn't know you were coming to Kanto."

"Yeah, it was a bit of a spontaneous trip," Ash admitted. "But we wanted to visit you and see how things are going."

"Well, you're always welcome here," Brock said warmly. "How about we have a battle for old times' sake? I know you've gotten a lot stronger since the last time we've battled."

"Sure, that sounds great!" Ash said, his excitement returning.

Dawn smiled. "I can't wait to see this."

The three friends caught up as they prepared for the battle. As they took their positions on the battlefield, the air was thick with anticipation.

"Ready when you are, Ash," Brock said, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Let's do this," Ash replied, his competitive spirit ignited.


A/N: Alright guys I've gotten another chapter done yay. I'll try to update another book today but I probs won't. Hope you liked it ;)

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