A Battle at the Park

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3rd Person POV

Ash and Dawn walked out of the airport and looked around. The buildings seemed even more beautiful up close, and while they looked antique, the city around them was very modern.

"So, this is Lumiose City, huh?" Dawn said, looking at a huge tower that seemed to be in the middle of the city.

"Yeah," Ash replied. "I never thought Kalos would be this beautiful."

"Pip piplup!" Piplup echoed.

They walked around the city since they had no plan for the day. It was only 2 PM in Kalos, so they had plenty of time to roam around.

"I can't believe how lively this place is," Dawn said, admiring the bustling streets and elegant architecture. "And the fashion here is amazing! We have to go shopping later."

"Of course you're trying to go shopping already," Ash replied with a chuckle, shaking his head.

Dawn playfully nudged Ash. "I bet you'd look great in some Kalos fashion. Maybe I'll help you pick something out."

Ash laughed, slightly blushing. "I wouldn't hold my breath."

They soon came across a park and decided to rest there.

"This place is perfect for a break," Dawn said, finding a shaded bench. "I wasn't expecting Lumiose to be this hot."

"It's not too bad, plus its late summer so it is to be expected," Ash replied as he sat down next to her, basking in the shade.

"And I thought we'd leave the hot climate behind in Kanto," Dawn said with a sigh. "Apparently the winters here are supposed to be really bad, though."

Ash groaned at that.

"I guess I'll have to take in the summer weather while I can."

After a little while, Ash eventually noticed a battlefield nearby, and decided to go have a quick battle. He hadn't used Quilava and Bulbasaur in a few years and it would be nice for the both of them to get back up to speed.

"Hey, Dawn, I'm gonna go see if someone wants to battle," Ash said as he got up.

"Pika pikachu!" Pikachu said excitedly.

"Sure, I'll come too. I don't really see what else I can do right now," Dawn said as she got up as well.

The two of them walked over to the battlefield and saw two people already there. One was a blonde-haired guy with glasses, who looked about their age, and a blonde girl who looked like she was about 11. It seemed to Ash that they were probably siblings.

"Hey! You wanna battle?" Ash asked the two.

"Oh, uh, sure!" the guy said and pulled out a PokéBall.

Under the cover of the brush, a small blue frog-like Pokémon was watching the battle intently.

Ash pulled out a PokéBall and sent out Quilava, who he figured should get the chance of fighting first. The Volcano Pokémon, which had been waiting for an opportunity to fight, roared in excitement.

"When did you get Quilava?" Dawn asked, stepping a bit closer to Ash.

"I got him and Bulbasaur before we left," Ash replied.

Dawn wasn't too surprised by this. But she had expected Ash to get his Pokémon for when he wanted to challenge gyms, not right off the start.

"Alright then, go Bunnelby!" the guy said.

Ash had never seen this Pokémon before. He had no clue what its typing was, but based on how it looked, he assumed it was a Ground-type. He hadn't gotten a Kalos Pokédex yet, so his knowledge was severely limited.

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