The Return to Pallet Town

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3rd Person POV

Ash and Dawn were now at the airport, saying their goodbyes to Iris and Cilan.

"Bye, you guys. We better see each other again soon," Iris said, waving to Ash and Dawn as they began to part ways.

"Yeah! Make sure you take care of yourselves, too!" Cilan called out, smiling warmly.

"You bet! We'll see each other again for sure," Ash yelled back to his friends.

"Bye!" Dawn added, waving enthusiastically.

Once Iris and Cilan were out of sight, Ash turned to Dawn. "You ready?"

"For sure! This is the next leg of our journey, isn't it?" Dawn said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

They moved through the busy airport, the noise of announcements and bustling travelers all around them. As they walked through the terminal, Dawn glanced around, taking in the hustle and bustle of the airport.

"It's been a while since I've been in such a crowded place," she commented, looking around at the sea of people.

"Yeah, it's always busy here. But it's exciting, right?" Ash replied, grinning.

Dawn nodded, her eyes wide with wonder. "Yeah, it's definitely exciting. I've never been to Kanto before."

They got through the security checks and made it to the gate just in time for boarding. They handed their tickets to the attendant and boarded the plane. As they settled into their seats, Ash looked over at Dawn.

"Alright, here we go," he said, buckling his seatbelt.

Dawn smiled. "Going to Kanto with you is going to be amazing. I can't wait to see everything!" She gazed out the window, watching the airport ground crew prepare the plane for takeoff.

"I'll try my best to show you as much as I can," Ash replied with grin, ready to get going.

The flight attendants went through their safety demonstrations, and soon enough, the plane took off. Dawn continued to gaze out the window, watching the ground fall away beneath them.

"Ash, do you think we'll have time to visit Professor Oak while we're in Kanto?" Dawn asked, turning back to face him.

"Definitely," Ash replied. "He'll want to hear all about our travels and see Pikachu again. Plus, he might have some new Pokémon for us to meet."

Dawn nodded, her excitement growing. "I've always wanted to meet Professor Oak. I've heard so much about him."

"You'll love it. His lab is full of amazing Pokémon. And he always has some interesting research going on," Ash said.

Timeskip brought to you by Zombie Celebi

Ash was as excited as always when he returned home. The second the plane landed and hooked up to the gate, he was the first one out of his seat. He grabbed his bag and Dawn's, then took her hand and practically dragged her to the exit of the plane.

"Whoa! Ash, slow down!" Dawn said, laughing at his enthusiasm.

"The sooner we get home, the sooner I can have some of my mom's food. I've been waiting way too long," Ash explained, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

They dashed through the airport, weaving through the crowd. Dawn kept up with him, still laughing. "You're really eager, aren't you?"

"Absolutely! There's nothing like my mom's cooking," Ash replied with a grin.

They finally stopped outside to catch their breath. They were now in Viridian City.

"We need to take this route, and then we'll get to Pallet Town," Ash said, pointing to a familiar path.

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