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3rd Person POV

When Ash woke up the next morning, it was about 7 AM. He knew the reason why he was up so early—today was the day he and Dawn were going to Kalos.

He got ready and rushed downstairs, flabbergasted to see Dawn and his mom up before him, once again.

"There's no way you guys ever go to sleep," Ash said as he sat down, defeated, at the dining table. Delia shook her head and handed Ash his breakfast, which he munched down eagerly.

"Our flight is at 12, Ash," Dawn said as she sat down in front of him. "If we want to make it there on time and get through security, we need to leave at 10. So, make sure everything is all packed up and ready."

Ash nodded. Once he finished breakfast, he went upstairs and packed all of his stuff. Then, he headed to Professor Oak's Lab.

Ash walked to Oak's backyard where all of his Pokémon were hanging out. He surveyed his Pokémon and chose the two he would take with him. Pikachu would come with him, obviously, and so would Quilava. Ash felt that he never used Quilava to its fullest potential and was determined to help it reach its final evolution.

Ash would also take Bulbasaur, one of his most trusted Pokémon. Bulbasaur had been with him since nearly the beginning of his journey, and while it had chosen not to evolve, Ash felt that giving it a chance during his early days in Kalos would finally give the Pokémon justice. Ash also planned to bring Squirtle with him on his journeys, but his first Water Type was with Officer Jenny, and he couldn't get him now.

He called over Quilava and Bulbasaur and explained his plans. Expectedly, they were both delighted and practically jumped into their Pokéballs.

"Alright then, guys. Let's get this show on the road," Ash said as he pulled out their Pokéballs and returned them. He woke up Pikachu, who was sleeping on top of Snorlax, and said goodbye to the rest of his Pokémon.

Once he was back inside the lab, Ash told Professor Oak that he was taking Quilava and Bulbasaur with him.

"Well, good luck on your travels, Ash! I seriously wonder who's going to keep things in line here with Bulbasaur gone. I also wonder who Heracross is going to bug all day. Pun intended," Oak replied with a chuckle.

Ash laughed and said goodbye to Oak and Tracey before running back to his house. Inside, Dawn was sitting on the sofa with her backpack, Piplup on her lap.

"Hey, Dawn," Ash said, breathing heavily from running.

"Get your stuff, Ash. We have to go in 10 minutes," Dawn chided.

"Oh, crap!" Ash yelped as he ran upstairs and tripped on the first step, crashing loudly.

He stood up shakily and said, "I'm okay," before running back up the stairs.

"Pika pi," Pikachu said, shaking his head.

Dawn just smiled in amusement.

After grabbing his backpack, Ash ran downstairs to say goodbye to his mom.

"I'm going to miss you, Ashy," Delia said, giving her son a hug. "You should've stayed a little longer."

"I can't, Mom. The league starts soon, and I want a head start this time."

Delia sighed before finally letting go. She gave Dawn a hug and watched as the two teens ran off to Viridian City. It reminded her of her own travels, and the nostalgia hit hard.

At the airport, the hustle and bustle of travelers filled the air. Ash and Dawn navigated through the crowds, making their way to the check-in counter.

"Got everything?" Ash asked, double-checking his backpack.

"Yep, all set," Dawn replied, securing her own bag. "Just don't trip over anything else."

Ash laughed, "I'll try not to."

After checking in their bags and passing through security, they found themselves with some time to spare. They wandered around the terminal, looking at the various shops and kiosks.

"Hey, look! They have an ice cream stand," Dawn said, pulling Ash towards it.

"Why not? We have time," Ash agreed, joining her in line.

They each got a cone and sat down to enjoy their treat.

"I can't believe we're finally going to Kalos," Dawn said, taking a bite of her ice cream. "I've heard so many great things about it."

"Me too," Ash replied. "I can't wait to see all the new Pokémon and challenges."

As they boarded the flight and found their seats, the excitement was palpable.

"I want the aisle," Ash declared, sitting down first.

Dawn narrowed her eyes. "Well, you need to get up so I can sit over there," she said, pointing to the window seat.

Ash hesitantly got up, and once he did, Dawn sat in his seat.

"W-What?! You can't do that!" Ash protested.

She stuck her tongue out at him, and a defeated Ash sat in the window seat.

After about an hour into the flight, Dawn fell asleep and rested her head on Ash's shoulder, making him tense up. He still thought about the feelings his mom had mentioned earlier. He just shook his head. He and Dawn were friends; he couldn't think like that.

When they landed, Dawn woke up and blushed once she saw the position they were in. Both were red but pretended nothing had happened.

As they stepped off the plane and into the bustling Kalos airport, Ash and Dawn were greeted by vibrant sights and sounds. The airport was a mix of modernity and elegance, with travelers from all over the world and Pokémon of various kinds adding to the lively atmosphere.

"Wow, look at this place!" Ash exclaimed, taking in the grandeur of the terminal. "It's so different from home."

Dawn grinned, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Isn't it amazing? Kalos is known for its beauty and culture, it is the region of love after all."

The two of them quickly grabbed their bags from the baggage claim before stepping out into the city, it was really happening now. 

They were in Kalos!


A/N: Finally, we've made it to Kalos, 10 chapters after the book started lol. 1000 words.

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