Pokemon Expos

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3rd Person POV

Ash rejoined Dawn, settling in beside her as Wallace took the stage to address the eager audience.

"Where have you been?" Dawn inquired, her curiosity piqued by Ash's absence.

"Just catching up with some old friends," Ash replied, though his words were nearly drowned out by the din.

Dawn raised an eyebrow, mouthing the word 'after' with a knowing look.

Ash nodded, turning his attention back to the stage where Wallace was about to begin his speech. As Wallace tapped on the microphone, the auditorium fell silent, anticipation hanging in the air like a charged current.

"Hello, trainers!" Wallace's voice boomed through the venue. "I hope you're all having a splendid day. Today, I'm thrilled to share with you a project I've been working on—a fusion of Contests and Showcases that will revolutionize Pokémon competitions!"

The announcement elicited cheers from the crowd, prompting Wallace to elaborate on his vision.

"Kalos, renowned for its Showcases, will now host Pokémon Expos—a blend of elegance and skill, where Trainers will showcase their Pokémon in dazzling displays of talent and beauty. Moreover, we're reintroducing Pokémon Contests alongside the Expos, ensuring there's something for everyone."

The audience erupted into excited chatter, Dawn turning to Ash with wide eyes.

"I'm going to do the Expos," Dawn declared, her excitement palpable.

Ash blinked in surprise. "But I thought you loved Contests!"

"I do, but Expos offer a whole new dimension for me to explore with my Pokémon. It's like a Contest and a Showcase combined," Dawn explained, her enthusiasm bubbling over.

Ash smiled, reassured by Dawn's conviction. "I think you'll be amazing at it."

Encouraged by Ash's support, Dawn beamed and hugged him tightly.

After the speech, Ash and Dawn left the venue, but Ash spotted May in the crowd and felt compelled to bid her farewell.

"Dawn, mind waiting a moment? I want to say goodbye to May," Ash requested.

"Sure thing," Dawn replied with a smile.

Ash approached May, a warm smile on his face. "Hey May, sorry for disappearing earlier. I wanted to catch up before we head off."

May's face lit up at the sight of him. "No it was my fault, Drew dragged me off. I'm glad you came back, though. It's been so long!"

Drew, standing nearby, shot Ash a glare, not trying too hard to cover up his jealousy "Hey, May, we should get going. Solidad's waiting," he interjected, eager to whisk May away.

May glanced at Drew, then back at Ash, torn between the two. "I'm not in a rush, Drew. Let's chat with Ash for a bit," she insisted, ignoring Drew's attempts to intervene.

Ash grinned, appreciating May's company. "So, how have things been since we last saw each other?"

May launched into a lively recount of her recent adventures, and Ash listened attentively, hanging on her every word. Drew, growing increasingly impatient, shifted his weight from foot to foot, his irritation palpable.

As May finished her story, Drew seized the opportunity to edge Ash out of the conversation. "Well, May, we really should get going now. Solidad's probably wondering where we are," he urged, shooting Ash a pointed look.

May hesitated, torn between her loyalty to Drew and her desire to catch up with Ash. Sensing her hesitation, Ash stepped in. "It's okay, May. I'll let you two go. We'll have plenty of time to catch up later," he said, masking his disappointment with a reassuring smile.

Reluctantly, May bid Ash farewell, promising to meet up again soon. As they walked away, Drew couldn't resist a smug remark. "Looks like you've still got a thing for May, huh? Too bad she's with me now," he taunted, his jealousy simmering beneath the surface.

Ash shrugged off Drew's jab, refusing to let it dampen his spirits. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm happy for you both. May's a great girl," he replied, forcing a smile on his face to cover the twinge of hurt he felt as May walked away.

Left alone, Ash watched May and Drew disappear into the crowd, wondering why Drew was acting in such a brusque way.  But as he turned to rejoin Dawn, his resolve hardened. He had his own journey to focus on, and he wouldn't let a little jealousy get in the way.

Back with Dawn, they strolled through the bustling streets of Viridian City, the excitement of the upcoming Expos still buzzing between them.

"I can't believe it," Dawn exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "This is going to be amazing!"

Ash grinned, sharing in her enthusiasm. "Yeah, it's going to be awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing you shine."

Dawn chuckled, nudging him playfully. "Just make sure you keep up, Ash. I'll be stealing the spotlight!"

As they continued to walk through the streets of Viridian City, Ash couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him. "You know, Dawn, this place hasn't changed much since the last time I was here," he remarked, a hint of fondness in his voice.

Dawn nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the colorful storefronts and lively crowds. "It's got that classic Kanto charm," she observed, a smile playing on her lips.

"Yeah, exactly!" Ash exclaimed, his excitement evident. "Like that old Pokémon Center over there," he pointed, "It's been here for as long as I can remember. I used to come here all the time with Pikachu."

Dawn's eyes lit up with curiosity. "What about that tall building over there?" she asked, gesturing towards a huge building in the distance.

"That's the Viridian City Gym," Ash explained proudly. "It used to be run by Team Rocket, I don't know who's in charge of it now."

Before they could delve further into the mystery of the Gym, Ash's stomach growled loudly, breaking the moment. "I guess it's time for lunch," he said sheepishly, rubbing his belly.

Dawn giggled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Sounds good to me. Let's find a nice café or restaurant," she suggested, scanning the streets for a decent spot.

They soon stumbled upon a cozy café tucked away on a side street, the smells inviting Ash's temperamental stomach . "This place looks perfect," Ash declared, grinning at Dawn.

They settled into a corner booth, looking the menu with eager anticipation. "I'm definitely getting ice cream for dessert," Ash said, his eyes lighting up at the thought.

Dawn chuckled, shaking her head fondly. "Of course you are, Ash. You never pass up an opportunity for ice cream," she teased, nudging him playfully.

As they waited for their food to arrive, Ash and Dawn chatted animatedly about their upcoming journey to Kalos, excitement bubbling between them. 

Once they quickly finished their food, they were soon back outside, walking through the expansive city. It would be their last chance to really look at Kanto before leaving for Kalos the next day.

As they continued their leisurely walk, Ash couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and familiarity wash over him. Viridian City may not have been the most glamorous or bustling metropolis, but to him, it would always hold a special place in his heart.


A/N: Whoooo hooo new chapter. I just needed a quick break from writing so I don't get too burnt out like I did last time. While I was just thinking about what to write about next, I came up with the idea for Pokemon Expos. I thought it was decent so that's why I added it. Hope you enjoyed. 1000 words cyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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