The Troublesome Trio

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3rd Person POV

It had been a solid few hours of walking before the group decided to take a rest. Unlike Ash, Dawn, and Max, the others weren't used to this kind of nomadic lifestyle yet, and it was better to ease them into it.

Finding a nice grassland clearing with a running stream, everyone set down their bags to get ready for lunch. The sun was now high above their heads, and the blistering heat was starting to make everyone sweat and pant with exhaustion.

"Isn't there a shadier place to set up for now?" Max asked, wiping his brow as he looked around.

"Not unless we want to go back to the woods, but that's probably not worth our time. Plus, I'm pretty sure Dawn has a canopy, right Dawn?" Ash asked, looking at the bluenette.

Dawn looked at Ash with a sheepish smile as she responded.

"I kinda forgot," she said while rubbing the back of her head nervously.

Ash deadpanned at her before sighing in defeat.

"Well, unless you wanna hop in the water Max, I think you're gonna have to deal with the sun."

"Well, on the bright side guys, we're gonna have food," Bonnie chirped, walking over with container of water from the stream to give to her brother who was cooking a little ways away. "Looks like Clemont's going to make himself useful once again."

"Bless," Ash replied before lying on the grass with his arm behind his head. 

"Pika Pikachu?" Pikachu asked, poking Ash.

"Yes Pikachu, I'm sure Clemont has Ketchup," Ash replied with a sigh.

"Looks like Pikachu hasn't changed a bit, huh Ash," Max chuckled, petting the yellow mouse on the head.

"Neither have I, the perennial Quarterfinalist," Ash mumbled as he closed his eyes, putting his cap on his face.

"No way you're still on this, Ash," Dawn said in a stern tone. "I thought we went over this."

However, the only reply she received were the low snores of the seasoned trainer, who now was completely dozed off. 

Rolling her eyes, Dawn got up from where the three were sitting to help Clemont with whatever he needed. With how large their group was, cooking would require a lot more effort.

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu called out before running off after Dawn, eager to see if his favorite condiment was available to ravage.

This left Max alone to ponder his thoughts while Ash dozed off next to him. Ever since he had met back up with Ash, Max had always felt that there was something different about him now. So much of the cheerfulness, mirth, and inspiration that seemed to pour off of him in waves had tempered down. 

Ash was someone that Max had looked up to ever since he had come to his father's gym after placing Top 8 in the Silver Conference. While he had initially given Ash a hard time about his placement the first time they had met, it was really just a cover for Max to not fangirl immediately.

Ash was the trainer that Max had always hoped he could become. He was always so good with his Pokemon, understanding them not only in battle, but also off the battlefield as friends and partners. 

So much of what Max knew about caring for and building a bond with his Pokemon had come from Ash and Brock from his time with them in Hoenn and the Battle Frontier. It was kind of like being an intern for a while, understanding what being a trainer meant and the responsibilities that came with the title.

Ash had taught him how to be a trainer, and it was gut wrenching to see the boy that had once been his idol, and still was, turn into a trainer who had lost confidence in himself and his ability as a trainer.

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