Ash's First Gym Battle

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3rd Person POV

Ash woke up extremely early the next day as was usual on the days of gym battles. It was about 5 in the morning, and Ash quickly got dressed and ready before heading out to the park to get some training done at the battlefields there.

With the Santalune City Gym being a Bug-Type gym, Ash decided to use Fletchling and Quilava since they would be super effective. Unlike the previous times that Ash faced his first gym, he actually decided to do his research; no messing around this time.

He mostly worked on Fletchling, knowing that Quilava would be able to handle himself just fine. While he wanted to use his most powerful Pokémon, Ash knew that he also had to train some of his other Pokémon as well, like Quilava, so they could also become stronger and more useful assets.

After about 3 hours of training with the two Pokémon, Ash decided to stop and give them a rest so they could recover by the time he fought the Gym Leader. The Gym didn't open until 10 o'clock, so his Pokémon had about 2 hours to rest and recuperate.

He walked back to the hotel, sweaty and dusty. When he walked in, he saw May and Max sitting at a table eating breakfast. Also with them was Drew, and Ash waved to them. Max's face lit up as he basically trucked over to Ash.

"Oh my god, thank you so much, Ash!" Max said, exasperated.

"Huh, what?" Ash asked.

"I've had to sit next to Drew for the past 10 minutes, and all he does is try to flirt with May. It's so annoying," he replied.

Ash chuckled. "Why are you so mad about that?"

"It's because he's a prick! And the worst part is that May seems to like him, too. I would literally die if they got together. She never showed that she liked him back when we were in Hoenn."

"Okay, well, I'm going to take a bath. I'm going to the gym at 10 for my Gym Battle. When are you going to do yours?" Ash asked.

"I've already beaten it," Max said with a proud smile, pulling out his case which held his first badge."

"Wow, Max, you're already starting off better than I did," Ash replied with a chuckle.

"Really? You mean it?" Max asked with a gleam of pride in his eyes at the compliment.

"Yeah, of course I mean it," Ash said as he walked into the elevator. "I'll see you down in the lobby in a little bit."

Once the elevator made it to his floor and opened, Ash ran into Dawn who had turned the corner.

"Woah!" Ash yelped as he caught Dawn, but unfortunately, his own balance wasn't too steady and they both crashed into the wall with Dawn's back against it.

Dawn looked into Ash's auburn eyes, which were radiating with warmth and instantly turned crimson at their close contact.

When Ash caught his breath, it hitched. He was pinning Dawn to the wall, every inch of their bodies touching. The thing that threw Ash off was that he actually liked the feeling - no, he loved it. He tried to look into Dawn's face, but she turned away in embarrassment. Ash had an urge to close the gap between their faces, but finally got a grasp and stepped back.

"I-I'm, am, so s-sorry," he stuttered out, his face also turning a dark shade of red.

"It-It's fine," Dawn replied before quickly getting out of there.

Ash took a deep breath and calmed down. What the hell was he doing? If he hadn't stopped himself, Ash was sure that he would've done something stupid that he would surely regret.

When he turned around he saw May looking at him from the front of the hallway with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, hi?" Ash said stupidly.

"What was that?" She asked with her eyes narrowed.

"Um, absolutely nothing. But anyways, I gotta take a bath. See ya."

As Ash walked past her, he didn't catch the slight bit of dismay on her face.

May was confused about why she felt upset, but brushed it off, thinking that it was just because her time with Ash was running out. After all, she and Ash would have to go separate ways after this.

With a sigh, May went back downstairs and back to where Drew was waiting for her. He apparently wanted to talk about new combinations that they could use for contests.

When Ash finally came down, he was greeted by Clemont.

"Hey, Ash. We need to get going to the Gym, I asked Viola to reserve a spot for us," he said.

"Really? Thanks, Clemont!" Ash said, enthusiastically.

"Perks of being a Gym Leader," Clemont said with a satisfied smile.

"EX-Gym Leader," Bonnie corrected as she walked in behind him.

Clemont sweatdropped and chuckled nervously.

"Hey, Max! Wanna come to the Gym with me?" Ash asked.

Max trucked over once more, happy to get away from Drew.

"Alright then, let's go," Ash said as he marched over to the door, until a voice called out.

"Ahem, what about us?"

Ash turned around, and staring at him were May and Dawn with raised eyebrows.

"Oh...hi. I definitely did not forget. Anyways, onwards!"

In all honesty, Ash hadn't forgotten. But he was too nervous to talk to Dawn after what had happened and was embarrassed that May had seen them.

The group soon made it to the gym, and the rest went to sit in the stands while Ash walked to the challenger side of the battlefield.

In front of him was Viola, who was waiting for him.

"So you're Ash Ketchum, one of the few who've beaten the Battle Frontier. Let's see what you've got," Viola remarked while scanning Ash.

Ash smirked. "You're so on."

"This will be a 2 on 2 Gym Battle between Gym Leader Viola and Challenger Ash Ketchum. The challenger may switch out their Pokémon during battle, but the Gym Leader cannot. Trainers, please send out your first Pokémon," the referee announced.

"Alright, come on out, Surskit!" Viola called.

"Quilava, I choose you!"

"Battle begin!"

A/N: Another update lets go. I'll try to update again this week. 1000 words cyaaaaaaa.

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