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Kieran left the bathroom. I was still sitting in the freezing water shivering not from the cold but from the fear flowing-rushing-in my body.

I physically couldn't move. When I tried to, my body wouldn't even try to make the slightest bit of movement, I was so scared I couldn't stop crying. So terrified from what happened I paid no attention to the burning bruising forming on my neck. I ignored the cut on my head bleeding, I ignored the blood slowly dripping into the water. The only thing I could truly process was the faint sound of the water dripping from the foset.

The water dropping into the water echoed inside my head as loud as a car alarm. It hit the very sensitive part of my eardrum as my tears were the only thing keeping me warm.

Kieran walked back in and I instantly tensed whilst locking eyes on his every movement.

He held out a towel, "Come on,".

I stared leathaly at him. His face flinched.

"Please," He whispered, holding the towel out further.

Just do it. Listen to him.
I gulped and slowly pushed myself out of the bathtub and hesitantly grabbed the towel out of his hands, Kieran tried to wrap it around me but I jerked away from him and I'm pretty sure he knew I didn't want him to touch me.

He walked out of the bathroom and down the hall into the room, I followed slowly behind him and once I was inside Kieran began to light a fire in the fireplace. I stood at the door dripping with water watching his every move unable to look away. Once the fire was lit Kieran gestured me to sit down on one of the chairs in front of the fireplace.
I hesitantly made my way to the chair and sat down. The heat. It felt so nice. It was a hug I desperately needed, an embrace I've been longing for.

"Do you want to go shower?" Kieran asked as he stood a good distance away from me.

That didn't sound bad but I didn't want to have him out of my sight, I would freak out. I don't have much of a choice though, the more I listened to him the less trouble I would be in. I stood up and walked over to the bathroom not even glancing back at Kieran no matter how horrifying it was.

There was already a set of new clothes in the bathroom. As soon as I got into the shower letting the warm water hug my aching body, I dropped down and sobbed into my hands.

I want to go home. I want to be with Camile and Meek, my coworkers. I want everything to go away. I want to go back in time and warn myself about going to get my keys out of the car. I want to go back and make sure I never met Kieran. I hate Kieran, I wish he'd disappear.

Eventually I left the shower, puffy and tired from what happened but paranoid and tense. I had the same white t-shirt and black shorts, I couldn't even brush my hair because of how scared I was that Kieran would rush in and beat the shit out of me. Just because he could.

Before I left the bathroom I looked into the mirror finding myself looking rougher than before. My face was red and my eyes were so puffy from all the crying, my forehead had an ugly cut which was beginning to bleed again. I lifted my head and saw the faint purple bruising from Kieran's grip beginning to become more and more pigmented. I gently touched around it and winced at the throbbing pain. I dropped my hand and shivered. Fuck.

I headed out of the bathroom and saw Kieran sitting next to the fire with two cups on the table, the aid kit while he had his face in his hands. I slowly approached him and silently sat down, he looked up and moved forward so fast I flinched extremely hard at his movement. Kieran looked away from me and reached for the aid kit.

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