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    A cold breeze slides down my body starting from the top of my head and ending to the tips of my toes in a not-so-welcoming gesture. This place is not meant for innocent souls to be.

I tried to ignore the alarming bells that went off in my head as I took in the surrounding forest which is dark and dangerous like nothing I have seen before, felt before. This place gave me a queasy feeling in my gut that insists on leaving rather than staying.

Everything's dead . . . trees seem like they are watching us when they're really not, sunlight isn't even able to get through the threatening clouds to the weeping plants and trees below that thirst for the nice, cool feel of heat in order to grow and live. But, the forest brings no warmth.

To the right Bruce stayed close as he said, 'Are you sure the Alpha King would live in such a dark place?'

I snort. 'A dark place for a dark person,' Is the only reply I came to say, gazing at him from the corner of my eye and assessing him.

I was not the only one affected by changes in appearance, Bruce was too. His once light fur and eyes are now the color of my own, which are blacker than darkness. We said no more the farther we traveled into the forbidden forest where no light touched ground and no animals dared to stay.

'We are being watched,' she said to me in a grim tone.

Bruce stops and I with him. 'Who the hell was that?'

Gulping down what felt like a gallon of gas, I respond with in a venomous voice. 'It is her.'

'Ah, I see,' he grumbles and continues forward with me following close beside him. There was never a time I doubted how Bruce handled things, I just followed along because he was most likely more right than I could possibly be.

Pulled out of my review, I shake the dazed state I was in and regard the real world. 'Back to the fucking topic!' she snarls. Bruce and I share a look of annoyance.

'Right. Someone's watching us.'

'So what are we going to do?'

'Just keep walking and don't look back. We don't want to alert them that we are aware of their presence.'

'And if they attack then I'll rip their throats out,' Bruce chimes casually as if we were having a normal conversation between two friends when in reality it was in no way close to it.

Every step we took I could feel the watcher turn to watchers as more joined the first. I got to give it to them though, they are quiet and fast. But not faster than me. I lean to the right as a bullet was shot at me. Hmm . . . it must be filled with a sedative because of the smell coming off the bullet.

"You can come out from your little hiding places now. It's no surprise that you have been following us for the past hour!" I taunt. Growls were the only response I had in return.

"Who are you?" a deep voice snarled. It must be the Alpha King because I could feel the power seeping from him. Damn, it almost overpowers mine.

He's a few feet behind me so I pivot on my heel. "You must be the Alpha King." I'm curious to what he will say. But once my eyes land on the man I'm talking to, I freeze.

Truth be told, the man that stood before me was probably the most attractive guy I have seen besides Vincent in a long, long time. He was about 6'1 and covered with muscles from head to toe. A strong jaw carrying nice lips and a straight nose while eyes the greenest and coldest I have ever had the pleasure of seeing as his tanned skin practically glowed.

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