Chapter 10

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   "Oh, you want a taste of this, huh? Boom! Who's the bi'ach now?!" I jump up and move my head from side to side as people around me chuckled.

"Fuck you! Fuck you! I still won!" Sam denies as I rolled my eyes at him. Sam and I have been playing Mortal Kombat since six in the morning, and this is about the hundredth time I won after I ran and worked out.

"Whatever loser," I teased while winking at him. "I still won whether you like it or not."

"I'm guessing Ellie won by the looks of it." Alex came in with a whole jar of cookies. My mouth watered at the sight of them. I grabbed one and turned it around in my hand, marveling at its beauty. Homemade cookies are the shit.

Just as I was about to take a big bite out of the cookie it was snatched out of my hand. I looked up in disbelief. Sam was waving my precious in front of my face, teasing me.

I took a step towards him as everyone hurried out of my reach.

"Give. Me. My. Cookie." My breaths came shallow and dark.

He frowns. "Why don't you just get another cookie? There's a lot in the jar."

"That is not the point, Sam."

"Then tell me, Ellie. What is the point?"

"The point is that it's my fucking cookie!"

"Sam, can I have your car, bro?" Seth asked teasingly, grinning like an idiot.

"I'll make you a deal, if you give me my cookie, then I will forget this ever happened."

"Nope." And just like that, he popped my cookie into his big fat mouth and ate it slowly, moaning from the deliciousness that I was supposed to be feeling.

"Oh shit," I heard Ralf mumble. I was so beyond angry, I didn't even bother to say anything.

Before anyone could stop me I tackled Sam, which broke the door down, and we are now wrestling each other on the grass in the front yard like wild animals.

I had pinned Sam beneath me with his arms above his head, and a single flick of my wrist had done it. I slowly bent down until our noses were brushing.

"Tell me Sam, have you ever had your first kiss yet?" I whispered evilly, looking him in his eyes.

"No, why?"

I grinned while an evil laugh erupts from my throat.

"Hey, you sound like those minions off of that movie Despicable Me!" Alec yelled from inside the house. A glare from me sent him peeking from behind the window.

I focused back on my prey and resumed our position. I lick my lips and whisper, "You steal my cookie, now I steal your first kiss." His eyes widened in fear and excitement and began struggling, but it was already too late. I brought my lips to his forcefully.

A low growl rolls out of his throat, tickling me. When I pulled back we're both breathless, grinning as I realized Sam's face was flushed.

"I'm warning you this once and that's all," I purr, brushing my lips to his again, "take any food from me again and I'll be sure you regret it with your life. And another thing; I'm not the shy little girl anymore. I'm daring and a badass, got it?"

Sam shook his head and looked down to my lips and licked his own.

Ah, those lips. No Ellie, pull yourself together, you got this, I chanted to myself.

In one quick move I pulled us both off the ground. I looked at the house to see everyone grinning at us. Damn perverts.

"What?" I asked innocently. They just shook their heads and laughed.

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