Chapter 12

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    My body sways in the cold water, taking comfort in the way it feels against my skin. The Darkness smiles down at me with pleasure as I shiver.

I don't know how long I've been here, but who knows? A minute could turn to a year because time doesn't matter in a place such as this.

'Elizabeth.' I turn my head to the side and smile at Bruce. For the first time in a very long time, my name didn't bother me. 'They betrayed us. I overheard the council talking, and they said that we are to never ever leave. Ever. That's why they drugged me; so that I didn't say anything to you. Once the drugs took over me I came here, waiting for you.'

"Those damn vampires are preventing us from saving our family. They are suffering right now while I'm doing nothing. I am their Alpha. I promised to protect them." Gritting my teeth, I pick up the lame excuse of the Alpha that I am and walked out of the lake.

'We have to wake up,' Bruce whispered, looking at me with an intense emotion flashing through his eyes.

"Always stay with me. Promise me," I beg, searching his face.

'Wake up Ellie!' Bruce yelled, but in a different person's voice. I looked at him, confused. 'Wake up!'

"Ellie, wake up!" Jaxon pleaded, banging on what sounded like metal, and loudly, might I add. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a couple times to clear my head.

"Ugh." I run my tongue over my lips to get at least some moisture in my mouth. "Where am I?"

He didn't even answer as I looked around. I was in a cell; bars blocking me from leaving. Rage pumped itself through my body, wanting to be released onto the damn vampire standing a feet away. But, surprisingly I sat still, not moving or looking at him. I wouldn't give Jaxon the pleasure of seeing the state I'm in. That was the thing, my hair is perfectly straight and my face was no doubt clean. Though I was satisfied, I kept my face clear of emotions.

"Here, you have to eat." I didn't give any notice that he was talking to me.

"We are sorry for what we did, we really are," Sabrina rushed out. I didn't look at her.

"You can act like that if you want. We will just wait here for you," David growled. "But you're gonna have to talk to us one day."

When they finally gave up trying to get me to talk or look at them, they left. In a second I was at the bars peering out. I looked around wildly.

'Bruce?' I search through our mind–link.

The cell in front of me showed movement. 'Ellie?'

'Yes, yes it's me!' I cried. 'Look ahead, I'm here.'

He gave me a sad shake of his head. 'I apologize for failing you. It was my job to keep you safe and I didn't.'

'I take the blame too. I was supposed to protect my family and keep you out of trouble, and I failed.'

'I want to be over there with you.' I could feel Bruce's desperation through our bond and no doubt he could feel mine as well.

'No matter what happens' – I smiled – 'in the end we will get out of here together and return to where we belong. We will not eat anything they give us or drink what they offer. Every day when they leave we'll have to be sneaky and make up a plan. It will be as if they are not real, deal?'

Blinding Darknessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن