Chapter 38

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  Warning: This chapter contains sexual content. If you don't want to read it, it starts and ends at ••••••••••
P. S. I wanted to try something.

   "There are many things you must overcome and face in the future, Ellie " my mother, Helen, said while caressing the side of my face as she smiles.

"Let me guess, you're not going to help me?" I put it bluntly, raising a questionable eyebrow.

"It's not that we don't want to help you sweetie, we do. But the ancestors ordered us to not say anything," Walter, my father, tried to explain, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"It's fine." I sigh. "I saw this one coming anyways."

Lately I have been feeling like something bad is going to happen so I came to consult in my parents. Not a good idea, apparently.

"Don't worry, Ell, everything is going to be fine," Helen soothes, grasping my hand. "Now, you must awaken."

"I don't want to, I want to talk for a little longer!" I plead frantically.

"We do too, but sadly we can't."

"I love you," I whisper as they start to disappear.

"And we love you, our Elizabeth."

Gasping for air, I shoot forward and clamp a hand over my racing heart, chest rising and falling rapidly. Once I realize I was awake and back home I relax, but soon get up to do my morning routine. I throw on some spandex and a sports bra. After, I head to the bathroom where I wash my face and brush my teeth.

Before I leave I quickly scarf down a granola bar, write a note to my sleeping mate explaining why I was absent when he woke up, and kiss his lips. Problem was, when I tried to pull away he wrapped his arms around me and yanks, causing me to fall on his chest. Our body's aligned perfectly.

He was still fast asleep. "Goodbye, I love you," I had whispered so quietly I didn't think he could hear, untangling myself from him.

I smile.

I took the stairs two at a time as I race out the door and into the shadowed woods. It was barley four o'clock in the morning and it being winter, the sun doesn't come up until a couple hours after it usually does. I love the first day of November, and every month that has anything to do with winter.

The flowers emitting a delicate smell although they will sadly leave as the first snowflakes fall, birds and bears going into hibernation, and soon enough the tall green trees will be covered with white snow. 

Nodding to the wolves who have early patrol as I pass them, I finish the run by speeding up a mountain I know all too well, the Big Wolf Mountain in California. Where snowy mountain tops and green landscapes captured tourists. One of the best places a person would want to be.

I sit down on the cliff – the cliff where my mother sacrificed herself on my fifth birthday to save me from the clutches of an evil Hunter. This place was Bruce and I's heavan when things got bad at either home or school.

Taking in a lungful of fresh, cold air, I stand. Spread my legs on exhale while pulling my right arm back and left forward as my legs follow; making a fighting stance. I make no noise. Waiting for the slightest sound or movement.

Then it happened.

Birds flew out of a nest, chirping wildly. I punch through the air, swing around, and kick high as my fist connected with an imaginary enemy.

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