part one <3 the break ups

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A/N this is my first story so I'm sorry if there is any grammer mistakes and I hope you like it

It was a stormy day when Yamaguchi had broken up with Hinata. "Hey, Hina" Yamaguchi asked. "Yesssss~ Yama" "I-I think we need to break up" Yamaguchi said avoiding gaze. "W-what? Why? D-did I do something" Hinata said tears building up in his eyes. "No, no, no it's just I don't feel the same way any more I-I think I like Tsuki, I'm sorry I have to go" Yamaguchi said while tearing up. "O-okay" Hinata had just sat there watching Yamaguchi run off. He had just sat there not having the energy to get.

After around 30 minutes of just sitting there he had finally had enough energy to try and go home. Just as he got up he got a call. He answer the phone hesitantly not looking at the caller ID. "H-hello" Hinata said "hey um can I vent" the person had said and that's when Hinata realized who was calling.

"Hey-hey you know you can always talk to me Kageyama" Hinata said reassuringly "well you know how I'm dating Tsuki" he said through sobs. "Well h-he" "hey calm down take it slow" while this wasn't the first time he had heard Kageyama like this he only broke down when it really effected him. "Well" Kageyama said "h-he broke up with me for your boyfrie-" Hinata chimed in "ex-boyfriend" "w-what did he break up with you?" You could hear how bad Kageyama felt. "Yea he- well  he did today just before you called" Hinata said looking away from his phone. "OMG I-I'm so sorry I-I didn't mean to make your problems worse" you could hear that Kageyama had guilt in his voice. "No, no don't worry your fine can we- I don't know meet up tomorrow and talk" Hinata said with this type of pleading in his voice. " Yes, yes of course still I'm so sorry" as Kageyama said that you could hear his sister in the background screaming that it was time for dinner. "Oh well seams like you have to go" Hinata said "yea sorry again bye" "bye" Hinata said lazily.

When the call ended Hinata got up to go home trying not to cry. While going out if the park he was in he had a realization that Kageyama was at home which meant that Tsukishima had probably broken up over text which would have been a lot worse then what Yamaguchi had did. In the end he just decided to bring it up when they meet up the next day. When Hinata got home he said a quick little I'm home when he remembered that his mom and sister were at his grandmother's house he was invited to go but didn't want to because of volleyball.

He made himself a quick bowl of instant ramen not ideal but he didn't have the energy to do anything else. once he was done eating he put his dish in the sink not wanting to do the dishes and just went to his room. He sat down on his bed wanting to go to sleep without a real desire to. He looked over to grab his pills when he realized that he was out at this time his doctor was on vacation and even if his doctor was there his mother wasn't and he couldn't get the pills without his mother. They would get back in two weeks so he would just have to "deal" with his insomnia. He laid down and could do nothing to fall asleep so he put on YouTube so he wasn't just sitting there. At around 4:00am he had been able to fall asleep but he would have to wake up in an hour.

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