part six <3 Kageyama's realization

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A/N here's this sorry I didn't post yesterday I may not post as much plus I only get like 5 views so to those like 5 people thanks :3

After Hinata left the cafe Kageyama started walking home he still had all his emotions bottle up because of the surprised guest that they had. While Akio was adorable he couldn't take him home for two reasons. One being that the next morning he wouldn't have time to take care of him and the second one being his parents and his sister. As he was walking he felt really bad for Hinata because it seemed as if he only trusted Akio with him it was weird in Kageyama's opinion because kids didn't really like him

Once he got to his house he said hello, so everyone who was there would know he was home then went up to his room. He didn't have much to do and felt really burnt out so he just laid in bed staring at the ceiling to pass the time. After around an hour of just laying there, he decided to go to his backyard to practice his serves because I'm his mind he still needs to be better than everyone else to prove his worth. Once he got outside he felt the cool breeze hot him and it calmed his nerves for a second before he started to play volleyball. He started to do his jump serve to try and get it where he could aim it anywhere in the court work ease. After a while of doing that he decided to practice his sets which always gets him frustrated but he felt if he didn't do it he would fail.
After hours of practice, he heard his mother call out to him. "Hey Tobio, get in here and start cleaning I will be having a guest coming over soon" Kageyama walked inside and put this volleyball in his room before going out and cleaning before his mother's guest could get there. While the house wasn't too dirty he still felt irritation in his chest because he didn't understand why his mother couldn't just do it herself.

After he was done he got himself lunch because it was around 2pm. Once he was done eating he called out to his mother. "Hey mom I'm going on a run" before his mother could ever say no he had already ran out the house. He went his normal route and kept running not wanting to stop and have to think. Once he stopped he was in a small local park and just say down on a swing that was fairly too small for him. As he sat there he just took a moment to breathe and then he started having his intrusive thoughts pile up in his brain he knew it was going to happen but he just wanted to see a light that would save him from these thoughts. He knew that when he was dating Tsukishima he felt a light but it was artificial.

Kageyama wanted a real light like the sun but when he was dating Tsukishima he settled for the moon. Sadly for him, the moon went away faster than the sun could ever.

Once Kageyama really thought about it he really realized that he didn't really show love to Tsukishima though he knew that he wanted to show and get love. The 'love' that he had displayed to Tsukishima didn't even feel real in the end it felt forced faux even. In the end, Kageyama realized why Tsukishima broke up with him over the phone. It was because he loved Kageyama but felt Kageyama didn't feel the same and felt like he never did he realized that may have even made him feel as if he wasn't worthy of love.
In conclusion, Kageyama realized has was the one in the wrong and he thought he needed to apologise to Tsukishima. He needed to tell him that he was worthy of love. Kageyama one that he himself was not ready to say sorry but he knew he had to and somewhere in him he wanted to because he still loved Tsukishima.

A/N I hope you guys liked our sorry it's late and as always I am sorry if there's grammer mistakes or if it's too short or too long love y'all bye >;3

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