part fourteen <3 the knock out

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A/N I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long I've been moving into my new house and it's been taking a lot of time I will try to post regularly but no promise

They looked at Hinata at if he had said the craziest thing in the world. "D-Do you not remember?" Yamaguchi asked scared that Hinata had lost most of his memory. "N-No sorry i-it's just all I can remember is going to practice and hear Tsukishima's voice. After that, I can't remember anything else" once Hinata said that the three boys let out a breath they didn't even know they were holding. "That's great, um- do you remember what Tsukishima said so we can fill in the blanks?" Kageyama asked knowing how to stay calm while talking, though at this point and time he didn't trust his voice for much longer. "Um, I think he said to stay still if I could hear him. I don't know why he would say that but I completed either way because I LO-RESPECT HIM"

Hinata almost screamed the last part, not wanting to out himself on accidents. "Hey-hey don't scream it's fine just
Don't cause yourself more pain now okay?" Tsukishima asked in a calm, soothing time of voice that could have put Hinata to sleep if it wasn't for him just waking up. "O-Okay 'Shima I-I mean Tsukishima" Hinata mumbled out barely audible to the average person. "It's fine you can call me 'Shima if you want to baby I mean Sho" at this point it was obvious that the three at least liked each other and Yamaguchi at least liked Tsukishima and Hinata.

The doctor had walked in before anyone could even speak on what Tsukishima had said to Hinata. "Okay so it seems that now you're awake I need to talk to you alone so if you three wouldn't mind could you please leave so we can talk about what happened?" The doctor asked but due to the authority the doctor had, they truly had no choice but to leave. The three boys have a quick "yes sir" and then they had left.

On the three boys' side of the story

The 15 minutes they had to leave couldn't have gone any slower. Kageyama was pacing up and down the small Hall that they were in, Yamaguchi was starting to tear up overthinking what the doctor would have to talk to Hinata about, and Tsukishima was yelling at anyone who even tried to go near the three of them not wanting anyone to make one of them freak out even more then they were now.

When one of the first years had walked over to Kageyama to try and talk him out of pacing the halls, Tsukishima almost ran to said first year and yelled at him. "DON'T YOU DARE EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING HIM!!" Tsukishima yelled because the first year was walking up to Kageyama he had his hand out which made Kageyama start to shake. That's why Tsukishima felt the need to intervene. After Tsukishima had yelled at the first year Yamaguchi yelled at Tsukishima. "Don't you dare start yelling at him, he was trying to help!!" "AND YOU THINK I'M NOT, I'M SO SORRY THAT, THAT FIRST YEAR HAD KAGEYAMA TREMBLING!!! OH YEA I FORGOT THAT ALL YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IS DEFEND THE WRONG PERSON SO SORRY!!!" Tsukishima snapped back.

Not even a second later Kageyama yelled at both of them. "S-Shut up Hinata could be in pain and you guys are fighting over what? ME!!" Kageyama fell to his knees, tears running down his face without a moment of hesitation. "I-It's just he was my first real friend and-and i-if he's in pain y-you guys are just f-fighting over me s-so p-please stop" Kageyama was sobbing barely getting his words out trying to suppress his breakdown. Kageyama started to try and stand up but failed and fell to the ground slamming his head on the ground and knocked himself out in the fall. The last word Kageyama heard was Tsukishima's scream "KAGS!!!"

On Hinata's side

As the three left the room Hinata felt like a big weight was put on his chest and it started to get hard to breathe. Hinata got really scared not knowing what to expect next. "So I have a question for you mister Shoyo" the doctor continued "have you been taking your pills?" Hinata knew that he wasn't taking he's pills but even now he couldn't get the pills without his mother being there so he had to lie. "Yes, but I didn't have the time to take them yesterday sorry" Hinata said with a certain tone that made it seem as if he was really sorry.

They continued talking about the importance of taking his pills and about how serious his condition was until they heard screaming feeling outside the doors. Hinata first heard Tsukishima yelling so someone, he really has no clue who it was, then he heard Yamaguchi start yelling at Tsukishima which surprised Hinata factoring he is the person Yamaguchi left him for. Then out of nowhere he heard Kageyama scream at both of them. Then it went dead silent for like 3 seconds before Hinata heard a big bang then Tsukishima screamed Kageyama's name.

Hinata jumped up to see what happened but couldn't go far due to the fluids going into him at the time. And a second later Hinata got yelled at by the doctor to stay put because he didn't want him to get injured but Hinata didn't listen and ran to the door and when opening the door he saw Tsukishima holding an unconscious Kageyama with blood dripping out his head.

A/N as I said before I'm sorry for the long wait but as always I hope you liked it and I'm sorry if it was too short or too long bye :')

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