part eight <3 reunion with Iwaizumi

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A/N this is when Tsukishima and Kageyama wake up I hope you enjoy

The morning when Kageyama woke up he looked over and saw Tsukishima right next to him. Kageyama got up to go to the bathroom but as he tried to get up Tsukishima pulled him back down. "Stay" Tsukishima said, half asleep. "I have to go to the bathroom. You can come with me but I have to go" "okay let's go" Tsukishima said, not wanting Kageyama to leave. They both walked to the bathroom together so that Kageyama could use the bathroom. After Kageyama used the bathroom he started to get ready. "Why are you getting ready baby?" Tsukishima asked. "I have to Meet-up with Iwaizumi-San" Kageyama said while booking his teeth. "Oh, can I come?" "I mean if you want to get scolded by Iwaizumi-San because he knows that you broke up with me" Kageyama said more of a warning then an invitation. "Will I'd rather not but what time are you getting back?" Tsukishima asked wanting to be around Kageyama. "I don't know maybe like 9 can you wait that long~" Kageyama said flirtatiously. "oh~ don't tease this early you have to be on time remember" Tsukishima whispered in Kageyama's eat sending child down Kageyama.

Once Kageyama was done getting ready he wasn't down to his kitchen to cook breakfast for the both of them. Believe it or not, Kageyama cold a lot and it's actually really good at cooking due to the fact that his mother didn't every have time for him and his sister was terrible at cooking food. Kageyama had to leave soon so he just made steamed rice to keep it simple. After he was done cooking and eating Kageyama was leaving before Tsukishima gave him a deep kiss that Kageyama had to break so that he wasn't late. "Sorry but I have to go now" Kageyama said trying to leave. "Do you think I can stay here tobi?" Tsukishima asked quieter. "Sure" Kageyama said, he had a feeling Tsukishima said that because his parents were fighting again and he didn't want him in that environment.

Due to Iwaizumi being an adult now he came and picked Kageyama up to go to the park they planned to go to. The park wasn't too far from Kageyama's house but Iwaizumi insisted on picking Kageyama up. "So I heard you and Tsukishima broke up with you are you okay?" "I see as always you get straight to the point" Kageyama said missing when he and Iwaizumi were closer as friends. "Oh uh, sorry I didn't mean to-" "no, I was just teasing you don't worry. But to answer your question I'm fine there's just a lot to unpack, don't want to throw it all onto you, you know" Kageyama said still not wanting to push everything onto Iwaizumi even though Iwaizumi has said multiple times that it was okay. "Okay that's fine and all but you better tell me everything when we get to the park okay?" Iwaizumi asked wanting to not only comfort but help Kageyama with his problems. "Yea, yea I will don't worry but warning it's a really long story and ready confusing" "I should be fine don't forget I have to listen Oikawa's stories" Iwaizumi said trying to show that he would listen. "Speaking of Oikawa were you able to confess before he went to Argentina or even after?" Kageyama asked wondering if the to who clearly liked each other had finally gotten together. "Oh, no I-I didn't have time to?" "Are you asking me?" Katana asked teasingly. "Fine, fine I know I don't really have the ability to confess without freaking out" "yea, yea" Kageyama said sarcastically. "Anygay, we are here let's go"

A/N okay I know this on it's shorter then normal I have been rushing and school has been stressful so yea but the next part is going to be a lot about Kageyama's side of the story and break up so yea and as always I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry if it was too short or too long I love you all bye ( • _ • )

the sun after the storm (Tsukiyamakagehina angst and fluff)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum