part thirteen <3 Hina's sick

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A/N sorry I haven't been posting after school ended I had fallen into a deep depression but I'm a bit better now so I'll try to post more :p

Hinata didn't sleep much after he got home, which yea was normal for him, but this time just felt different. It felt as if the reason want because of insomnia but yet because of something Hinata couldn't point out quite yet. Getting ready for school felt like it took longer for Hinata though it took the same amount of time as it normally did but Hinata just brushed it off as not getting enough sleep. As Hinata was getting ready he felt like he himself was moving slower which upset him then he felt a sharp pain in his stomach but brushed it off as nerves like the ones he gets before games. Soon enough he was in the bathroom throwing up and feeling like crap but at the person he is, he just brushed it off and went to school.

On the walk he heard Kageyama in the distance and then Hinata started running which was not a good choice for Hinata. Once he got to the gym he had a really dizzy feeling, kinda like feeling lightheaded but at the same time as if he just went around in circles. As Hinata walked into the gym he couldn't hear anything, not the squeaking of shoes or the ball slamming into the ground or Noya and Tanaka screaming and flirting with Kiyoko. Hinata just stood still not knowing what to do because he couldn't hear anything and his vision was starting to get blurry. Hinata took a single step and lost everything, his vision, his hearing, and his feeling.

Once Hinata got his hearing back he heard screaming and people freaking out and once Hinata realized why they were screaming he tried to get up but felt someone keep him down on the ground. Then he heard someone say. "Please Hinata if you can hear me just please stay put" Hinata tried his best to recognize the voice because he could swear he had heard that voice before. And then he found it. "Tsu-Tsukishima?" Hinata got out in a really small whisper that no one would normally hear but due to the situation Tsukishima barley heard him but in the end, did. "Yes Hinata I'm Tsukishima"

Hinata felt himself get lifted off the ground and he flinched hard when they picked him up not knowing what was happening. When Tsukishima felt Hinata flinch he did something Hinata never thought he would ever hear him do. "Don't worry, I'm taking you to the nurse's office so we can get an ambulance you need to stay still okay?" Tsukishima gave him words of reassurance. Anyone could tell that Tsukishima was trying to rush but at the same time trying not to be too hard on Hinata. By the time they got to the ambulance, Hinata had still not fully regained his consciousness. While Hinata, yes, still hasn't fully regained consciousness he still was able to hear and feel everything and if he was so lucky he could mutter out a few words. Once Hinata finally felt the ambulance move almost immediately passed out not feeling anything anymore.

Once Hinata had woken up realized he was in the hospital and not remembering what happened he looked around to find someone he could ask but he couldn't find anyone. Hinata slowly started to go into a panic attack not knowing what was going on and why he was at the hospital. He slowly started to rock himself back and forward. Hinata's sobs slowly grew louder as time passed and he started to shut everything out and started to shut down. Hinata didn't even hear the knock on the door as someone wanted to enter the room. Due to Hinata not hearing the door the person just continues to knock on the door wanting almost needing to enter the room. Hinata only even got close to even answering the door when he heard a voice.

"Hina, can you answer me please?" It was Yamaguchi and Hinata could almost hear him but Hinata, it was only a whisper but to everyone else, it was pleading scream. Hinata tried his hardest to follow the voice but started to lose it till he heard someone else. "Please Sho for Akio, for Yamaguchi, for Tsukishima, and please for me" Hinata heard Kageyama say knowing he was the only one who knew Akio. Hinata's breath hitched as he remembered Akio he had to take care of Akio. The knock on the door slowly got louder to Hinata which was both a good thing and bad thing. It was good, after all, he could hear again but a bad thing because his head was throbbing. As Hinata calmed down, so did the knocks and Hinata didn't know what to do because he still felt numb, which was because of the drugs he was put on, and at the time Hinata just wanted to feel again. As Hinata slowly started to fall asleep again he heard the same person who had help him get where he was, though Hinata still didn't know why or how he got there.

"Hinata please, if you can hear me just say something we just want to make sure you're okay" It was Tsukishima again. "I-I'm f-fine" "O-Okay great is it okay if I open the door dear?" Though the 'dear' caught him off guard, especially coming from Tsukishima, he liked it. "I-I guess that's fine b-but I only want you three in here no one else" Tsukishima knew when he said you three he meant Yamaguchi, Kageyama, and himself. "Okay that's fine we are coming in now" Tsukishima had a soft calm voice the entire time he had been talking to Hinata.

Once the three walked in they saw Hinata sitting up on the bed staring at the door not saying anything. Hinata had a broken look in his eyes which broke the boys' hearts like no other. They all walked up to Hinata and just say down on the chairs around the bad before Hinata asked them something. "I-I don't know if it's because of the drugs I'm on but how did I get here?"

A/N again I'm sorry for the hiatus but I'll try to post more frequently and as always I hope you all like it and I'm sorry if it was too short or too long and if you have any ideas feel free to let me and as always I love you all ( -^- )

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