part fifteen <3 Is he okay

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A/N hey I know I haven't posted in forever I moved then my phone broke and I kinda have up so this is probably going to be the last part but I will start posting other stores and I have a wit account that if you want to have I'm going to start posting on that in like a week or so but yea I'm sorry again I kinda just lost motivation and now it's been over a year since I started this series love y'all

Hinata stood there in shock and heard a piercing scream throughout good head. Soon enough Hinata realized the scream he heard was coming from himself. At this point, Hinata could barely see through his own tears which were making everything blurry. What he did see through the blur was Tsukishima crying and what looked like shaking but could have also been the result of Hinata shaking too. When Hinata looked over at Yamaguchi he saw him frozen in place, probably blaming himself for whatever reason.

Once he looked back to Kageyama, something he really didn't want to do because he would have to see his friend in that state, he saw doctors running over to the scene with a stretcher. As they took Kageyama away Hinata stumbled trying to stay with him in vain because in the end he just fell to his knees not being able to keep up with speed.

Tsukishima tried to help Hinata up and tried to get him back to his room but Hinata refused to move. In the end, Tsukishima had to pick Hinata up, being careful of the IV that was in Hinata's arm. Once Tsukishima was finally able to get both Hinata and Yamaguchi into the room he left for a second to tell the rest of the team to either go home or go back to school.

As he walked back into the room Hinata looked at him and started to ask a series of questions. "How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why was there screaming? WHAT HAPPENED?" Hinata yelled the last questions, not getting any answers to the questions he asked before. "Yamaguchi and I were fighting with each other because a first-year student scared Kageyama. Then Kageyama yelled to get up but slipped and busted his head on the floor causing him to slip unconscious" Tsukishima answered in a quiet tone not wanting to scare Hinata anymore than he already was.

It took Hinata a while to process what he heard and in the end, he just sat on the hospital bed not having enough energy to do anything else. "Can we go to Kageyama's room?" Yamaguchi asked hardly above a whisper. As he said this Tsukishima and Hinata snapped their heads at going before Tsukishima replied to what Yamaguchi had asked. "Oh so now you want to make sure he's okay, funny because you didn't do that out in the halls!"

Hinata immediately yelled at Tsukishima. "Hey don't you dare start yelling at him, it wasn't his fault so leave him alone!" "Oh, so who's fault is it, mine!?" As Tsukishima yelled this you could see Hinata's heart shatter in his eyes. "NO, you just need to calm down Tsukishima, don't forget that Yamaguchi is the one you left Kageyama for!"

After saying that Hinata walked out with good IV and went to the receptionist. "Excuse me but can you tell me the room Kageyama Tobio is staying in?" Hinata asked the lady at the desk. "Oh, yes he's in room 197 on the third floor" Hinata shot the lady a quick thanks then practically ran to the elevators. As Hinata pressed the button to get the elevator to good for he felt the adrenaline rush start to wear off and started to feel tried but he couldn't fall asleep not just yet he needed to see Kageyama.

Once the elevator got to his level he got on the elevator and prayed the button to go to the third floor. As the elevator went up Hinata got nervous. He really didn't want to have to see his friend in pain but he needed to make sure that he was at least stable.

A/N as I said I'm sorry for never posting but I will be writing more for this account but sadly probably not this story sorry I've seen all the love I've gotten for this story and I hope all of you stay around for what I'll post next because I've done a lot to get it to where it is and my wit is curly Kenma fan and I will be posting stuff on my insta which is curly hair kenma lover so I hope I see you all the and again I'm sorry for just disappearing everything went crazy with me moving and my old phone so I hope you all enjoy and I'll see you guys next time <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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