part four <3 the new guest

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A/N here is the next part sorry is it's bad again and if you have any request just tell me because I would gladly do them :3

"hey, kid are you okay?" Hinata said still very confused on why the kid has ran full force into him. "I-I'm so sorry, I swear I-I didn't mean to, don't be mad I- just wasn't looking where I was going, I'm sorry" the fear in the kid's voice was so evident in his voice which made Hinata worried for the kid. "Hey-hey it's fine I'm not mad just tell me, why were you running and where are your parents?" Hinata was scared to hear the answer not wanting to have triggered something. "I-I don't have parents..." "Oh- I'm so sorry would you like to get something to eat with me. I'm meeting up with a friend and I brought extra money?" Hinata said having a closer look at the boy who looked like he lived on the streets. "I don't want to intrude" "No, no come on my friend would love you and you look hungry" as if on cue the younger boy's stomach growled. "I- if it doesn't bother you I am quite hungry" "of course, I don't mind if I wouldn't have asked you, come on and maybe later you can tell me why you were running" Hinata said softly. "Yeah okay"

they both had gotten up and started walking towards the cafe. "So, what's your name?" Hinata said. "Oh, my name is Akio I don't know my family name so it's my given name" "oh well my name is Shoyo Hinata, Hinata is my family name so you can just call my Sho okay?" "Okay Sho-san" Akio said not wanting to disrespect Hinata.

As they walked into the cafe Hinata almost immediately felt Kageyama's eyes on him. Hinata started walking closer to Kageyama the younger not following behind. "Who's the kid Hinata?" Kageyama asked not recognize the kid as one of Hinata's family members. Hinata say down gesturing for the tiny bit to also take a seat. As the boy say down Hinata spoke up. "This is Akio he ran into me as I was walking here" after he said that Kageyama was baffled because if he was in Hinata's shoes he would have probably just yell at the young boy. "He said he was hungry so I thought that he could join us hope you don't mind" "no, no I don't, you don't have to worry plus he looked cute, don't you think Hinata" "I thought he looked like you Kageyama" Hinata said and Kageyama looked at the kid trying to decipher whether or not the kid looked like him. "Are you guys ready to order anything?" The Waiter asked. "Um, can you give us a minute or two sorry" Hinata said having not checked the menu yet. "Okay take your time" "thank you" Hinata said not wanting to seem rude.

As the Waiter left  Hinata turned to Akio and asked him "what do you want to eat?" "Um, Miso Soup" Akio said with a big bright smile on his face that reminded Kageyama of Hinata. "okay, got it" Hinata said with a matching smile on his face. Hinata had already decided he was going to get Curry and Rice and was just happy that the kid wanted to eat.

After around a minute the Waiter had came back to ask again. "Have you guys decided what you want to eat yet" "yea I want Curry and Rice and this little guy wants Miso Soup" Hinata said happily. "And you sir" the Waiter asked Kageyama who seemed out in space "oh um, I want Oyakodon" "okay that should all be out in a minute" "okay" Akio said with a big grin on his face. "Oh, your kid is so adorable" the Waiter said to Kageyama and Hinata. "You guys must be great parents" after she said that she had left but what she had said got both Kageyama and Hinata flustered.

After a minute of Hinata and Kageyama both being flustered, Hinata decided to break the silence. "Hey, Akio do you think you could tell me why you were running?" Hinata asked not wanting to push but still very curious. "Oh, well an old man was chasing me after he had tried to kidnap me while I was sleeping" as Akio said that his mood completely dropped. Kageyama was confused not knowing fully what had happened. "Sorry for asking but what are you guys taking about?" Kageyama asked the two. "Oh, yea you still have no clue" Hinata said then asked Akio. "Hey is it okay if I tell him?" "Yea it's fine, I trust him if you trust him" after he said Hinata explained everything to Kageyama who seemed to have been really focused and not once interrupted him.

After they had all talked about everything and after they got their food and ate it. After that Hinata asked Kageyama and Akio something. "Hey, Kageyama" "yes Hinata" "do you think you can watch Akio for me I'll pick him up tomorrow but I have to go to a meet up with Kenma and Akaashi if not that's fine I don't think that Kenma would mind?" Hinata asked not wanting to have Akio get overwhelmed by meeting a bunch of people and spend the night at Kenma's apartment. "I'm sorry but I have something in the morning so I don't think I can" Kageyama said feeling  bad for not being able to help out. "No it's fine" Hinata said with not one hint of anger in his voice. "Hey, Akio are you okay with going on a train to go to one of my friend's houses?" "That's fine with me" Akio said without any hesitation. "Okay well I have to call them but let's go to the train station" Hinata said to Akio. "Okay" he said. "hey, Kageyama we are going to leave now, here's the money for both of our meals" Hinata handed him the money just to get it put back in his hands. "No, no keep the money I'll pay" Kageyama said not wanting to put more pressure on Hinata. "Okay well bye now" Hinata said not having the energy to argue with Kageyama about just keeping the money.

After that Hinata and Akio left to go to the train station. "Hey, Akio when we get there you want to get some new clothes?" Hinata said now still having the money for it. "Yea, sure Sho-san" "okay" Hinata said tiredly.

A/N okay this took me 3 hours and my back hurts from leaning over my phone  but I hope you guys liked this and I'm sorry for any grammer mistakes or if it's too short or long I just want y'all to know this was 1150
words >:p

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