part eleven <3 Hinata being gay

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A/N i have been trying to work out a schedule but it's been hard being I've been busy with school luckily school ends for me in a few days so I will hopefully have time to post anygay I hope you enjoy

FYI This is with Hinata and Akio after they got to Kenma and Akaashi's apartment

When they got to the store they started to pick out clothes for Akio shirts, pants, shorts, socks, ect. Once they went into a shoe store, Hinata walked around the sports section and he found a new pair of volleyball shoes. Hinata didn't want to ask because he knew he wasn't the one paying for anything.

After a while of starting at the shoes, Kenma noticed him staring and asked him if he wanted them and of course, Hinata said no but Kenma insisted and they ended up buying them once Akio found shoes that both felt nice and looked nice and felt just as good.

After they were done shopping they went back to Kenma's apartment to rest for the night due to it being 9:30 and Akio being tired. Once they got back to the apartment Hinata put Akio to bed and then went out to the living room to rest but before he could he heard Kenma call to him.

"Hey, do you want to talk about everything?" Kenma asked, wanting to help in any way possible. "No, no don't worry I have talked to other people about it but I really want to meet your carry mister talk about them but when I get here not show me" Hinata said lighting the mood. "Okay just wait one second I'll grab her" Kenma said as he was walking away to get his new kitten.

When he walked out of Akaashi and his room he had a small ginger kitten in his hands. "As you know this is Ichika" "awwww they're so adorable how much money did she cost?" Hinata asked curiously about how much his best friend paid for the small kitten. "Around 160,000 yen" (1,228 US dollars I think) "that's a good amount of money" Hinata said not realizing how much money kittens could cost. "Okay well, I'm about to go to bed so goodnight, love you" Kenma said ready to go to sleep. "Goodnight love ya too"

Hinata had woken up at 2 am from the 'cold', at least that's what he told himself. He knew that if he was going to be honest with himself, it was really due to his insomnia. Once Hinata had woken up he walked to the bathroom he splashed cold water on his face, not even bothered to try and go back to sleep.

Once done he felt a slight hunger and walked up the kitchen. There were small little snacks that neither Kenma nor Akaashi looked but they both knew that Hinata looked then so they bought them for the countless times Hinata came over.

Hinata grabbed a quick snack then walked back to the couch where he was laying just moments ago and sat done and thought about all the things that had happened in the last few days and took a moment to 'reflect'.

Hinata sat and thought about the relationship he had with Yamaguchi, something had to have happened for Yamaguchi to break up with him but Hinata didn't know why or even when Yamaguchi 'lost' his feelings for Hinata.

As Hinata thought about the feelings Yamaguchi felt he slowly started to think about his own and how he felt towards people, he started thinking about who he would go out with and he really thought about people he knew with no filter.

Sugawara I love to death but in a platonic way plus he likes daichi.

Daichi he was a great captain and I would like to think we're friends

Asahi I am the ace, just like him and I really look up to him.

Nishinoya and Tanaka we're great friends but really loud, but I can't wait to see them at the next reunion.

Ennoshita he was a great captain and I'm glad he stayed and didn't run away while having to deal with us all.

Kinoshita and Narita I still  bad about. on the bench while I was almost always in the starting lineup.

Kageyama I want to be with him forever and for him to love me

Yamaguchi I love him so much and I wish he didn't break up with me.

After Hinata realized what he said about Kageyama he started to second guess his love for Yamaguchi because he has only heard you're only allowed to like one person. As soon as he thought that he grabbed his phone to look it up.


Hinata stared at the definition: the practice of engaging in multiple romantic relationship, with the consent of all people involved.

He thought about it "does this mean I can like more than one person. Hinata didn't know whether to bring it up to Kageyama and Yamaguchi but he just wanted to get the last person off his list.

He went over everyone in the same order Sugawara, Daichi, Asahi, Nishinoya, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, Narita, Yamaguchi, Kageyama, And now Tsukishima he's tall and mean but sweet and kind and can be cute and hot at the same time- Hinata had done it again now he really didn't know what to do he likes Kageyama and Yamaguchi and now Tsukishima too. If he didn't know what to do before now he really didn't know what he was going to do. Did he just love them in a platonic way or did he really love all of them? How would they react if they knew? Would they all hate him? Would he be the reason why they didn't talk after highschool? Well he did know and he was scared.

A/N okay I've been trying to get everything planned out and hopefully summer didn't take me out with posting but I am going to try and as always I hope you enjoyed sorry is it's too short or too long and I love you guys ( >• 3•)>

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