part ten <3 the talk with kei

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A/N sorry it took me so long to pay again I lost my phone and now I'm sick so in honor of me being sick and already have chapters 10-12 done chapter 13 will be a sick post of one of the characters getting sick anygays hope you enjoy love y'all (u-u)

The ride home was quite, that was in till Kageyama spoke up. "Hey, do you think you could stop at the bakery out something?" "Sure but why?" Iwaizumi asked curiously. "Oh for Tsukishima, you know you said to try and stay with him and his favorite food is strawberry shortcake so I thought I would get some for him if that's fine?" Oh, yea, that's perfectly fine with me" the bakery was only 15 minutes away from where they were so it didn't take to much gas. The rod was somehow quieter than before if that was even possible. Iwaizumi didn't want to being up the whole Tsukishima thing because from what he heard it was complicated. Once they got to the bakery Iwaizumi stayed in the car while Kageyama walked into the bakery and ordered four pieces of strawberry shortcake. He did this so there would be leftovers for tomorrow at lunch.

As they got back to Kageyama's house Iwaizumi had one thing to say. "Try not to think too much and just go with your heart okay?" He said this, not wanting to have Kageyama end up like him, always backing out at the last second. "Okay, I will try" after he said that he walked up to his house before turning back and waving goodbye to Iwaizumi. Once done he walked into his house to see Tsukishima on his couch watching TV. "Welcome back my king~" the time was 9:04 and it seemed as if Tsukishima had been waiting. "Sorry if I kept you waiting too long" "no, no it's fine Tobi" Kageyama took off his shoes and shoot the door behind him as he walked to kitchen. "You hungry Kei?" "Yea a little bit why you gonna cook?" Tsukishima said loving Kageyama's cooking. "No, but while I was out I got some strawberry shortcake" anyone in a 10-meter radius could see how much Tsukishima had light up once Kageyama told him what he got. Once Kageyama got out the slices it seemed as if Tsukishima just appeared behind him.

They both grabbed a slice and Kageyama's room to eat their cake. Once they got to Kageyama's room they both sat on the bed in silence as they are the cake before Kageyama spoke up. "You know you are so out of my league?" Kageyama said feeling like he should never keep good feelings to himself with good loved ones that being the reason why they had broken up before. "Why do you say that I mean look at you you're dating a salty beanpole" "what do you mean Kei you are literally the definition of hot and cute at the same time, I really don't know how you fucking do it" Kageyama was on the verge of tears. "It's just if you really hate me and are just doing this out of pity or something else like that then just go to Yamaguchi he has always been the better option and I know you are in love with him and if that's really who you want them don't let me hold you back-" Kageyama continued until Tsukishima cut him off. "Okay I'm glad you noticed my crush on Yams but I really do still love you and I'm not using you or taking pity on you!" Tsukishima let out a loud sigh.

"Okay do you know what polyamory is?" Tsukishima asked Kageyama. "I mean isn't that when you date multiple people at the same time with consent of all parties?" Kageyama responded. "Yes that king, will I think I'm polyamorous because I like both you and Yams. And I think I have a small crush on Hinata. I mean if you feel uncomfortable with or I can try to move on from them but I'm telling you now it's not going to be easy-" Kageyama cut Tsukishima off. "No, no I think I also like Hinata and if I'm going, to be honest, Yamaguchi is so hot in our games" Kageyama said trying to relive tension. "Oh thank God, I thought I was the only one who liked all three of you guys!!"

This was the first time in a while Kageyama heard Tsukishima yell but this time when he yelled Kageyama didn't feel like it was a bad thing, in fact, the complete opposite. "Okay, so how are we going to bring this up to them?" Kageyama asked, wanting to at least talk about it too them. "I don't know, whenever the time is right but I'll talk to Yamaguchi about it sometime this week so school" "okay, but don't forget about finals, if I were you I'd bring it up in the beginning of the week of after testing" Kageyama told him knowing it was hard to focus while doing testing and didn't want to make it worse for Yamaguchi.

"Since when did you become so caring for other people?" Tsukishima said jokingly but when Kageyama answered he answered truthfully. "Once I realized I would lost everyone I loved if I didn't" "oh, Kageyama, don't think like that, you won't lose everyone if you aren't that caring to them most people understand that you have a hard time expressing your emotions" Tsukishima said to try and help bring Kageyama's spirits up. "Well if that's true why doesn't my mother love me?" "Oh, babe she does love you but she is just being a rude bich that shouldn't have the right to love you" Tsukishima exclaimsed knowing that Kageyama's mother was abusive and that Kageyama blamed himself for it. Once Tsukishima said this Kageyama had clearly gotten bother by his mother not 'deserving' to love him. "Sorry Kageyama, I shouldn't have bright that up. I know it being unpleasant memories and feelings" Tsukishima said, wanting to bring the mood back up. "No, no you're fine I brought it up first" after that was all said and done they laid down and started to watch the TV they was a random show on that they really weren't paying attention to it was more of background noise. "Do you think we can go on a date sometime soon?" Kageyama asked wanting to be able to spend time with his loved one. "Sure" the response was sort but in the end it made Kageyama happy.

A/N I was thinking of making a YouTube channel do you guys think I should I really don't know it's up to you guys anygays I hope you liked this and as always sorry if it was too short or too long and sorry for it being out late ( o 3o)

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