part twelve <3 Sho-san going home

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A/N so today is my last day of school this year and I'm like balling but here's this I really hope you like it and I doesn't suck so yea

Hinata jumped up as he had woken up for the second time. He didn't even realize that he had fallen asleep again. He had woken up due to a nightmare. The nightmare was about Kageyama, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi hating him after he confessed. Hinata walked to the bathroom, he decided to splash cold water on his face again which at this point didn't really do anything for him. After he splashed the water on his face he heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" Hinata replied to the knock. "Are you almost done?" Hinata didn't recognize the voice at first. "Yea" then it hit him. It was Akio. Hinata walked out and ruffled Akio's hair as a way of showing affection. Once he walked away he checked the time. 6:04 am the clock showed. Hinata walked to the kitchen to find something simple to make for breakfast. He finally decided on eggs and rice after around 5 minutes of thinking about it. While Hinata was cooking Akio asked if he could help which Hinata found adorable and let him help with the food. After both Hinata and Akio were done cooking the food they walked to Kenma and Akaashi's room and knocked on the door not wanting to invade their privacy. When they didn't hear a reply Akio asked if they could go in and wake them up and because Hinata could never say no to Akio they both went into the room to wake them up.

Akio shook Akaashi while Hinata shook -more of violently then Kenma around- Kenma. Once they both finally woke up slip
Akio announced proudly that. "Me and Hinata-san made breakfast you guys!!" After saying it Akio had a big wide smile on his face. Kenma and Akaashi giggled due to how cute Akio was being at the time and got up to eat breakfast. One they started eating everyone couldn't help but compliment Akio for the food though he just kept saying that Hinata helped too. After they were all done eating Akaashi and Kenma said. "We can do the dishes because you two come the food" both Hinata and Akio kept saying they would do it and that they didn't need to but Kenma and Akaashi insisted on doing it saying it was the least they could do.

After everything was cleaned up Kenma asked Hinata. "When are you guys going home?" To be honest, Hinata hadn't thought that far he knew he needed to be home before his mother got home, in 8 days, but he didn't know. "Um, maybe today?" Hinata said unsure. "Do you think you could watch Akio while I'm at school though at most until my mom gets back?" "Yea that's fine with me Hinata" now that Hinata at least had someone to watch Akio while he was at school he calmed down a little bit still shaken from not only the nightmare but how his mother would react. Hinata had to go to school the next day -which he didn't want to but had to- and talk to Yamaguchi normally.

Hinata started to get his stuff ready to leave. He wasn't leaving yet but wanted to have it ready for when he was going to. As he was, Akio came over and asked. "Are you leaving now Hinata-san?" "No not right now but soon is that fine with you?" "Yea that's fine Hinata-san but I'm going to stay here or go with you?" After Akio said that Hinata didn't want to leave him there but he had to. "You are going to have to stay here for a few days. I just have to ask some of my other friends that live closer if they can watch you okay?" Hinata said, trying not to make Akio upset. "Oh okay when will I see you okay?" Akio asked, wanting to know how long he had to wait. "It's only going to be like a day. Is that okay?" "Yea that's fine Hinata-san"

Once Hinata heard that he went to look at the price of the train ticket for Tokyo to Yukigaoka. Hinata had just enough money to pay for the ticket back. After Hinata had everything ready to leave he said goodbye to everyone before going up to Akio. "Hey Akio, it's time for me to leave. I will be able to hopefully find someone to watch you while I'm at school but until then I want you to know that Kenma and Akaashi are very sweet and you can ask them anything. Okay well I have to go now bye have fun Akio"

Hinata said then left not wanting to go home and leave Akio but he Sally had school the next day and if he didn't go his mother would get a call and he didn't want to worry his mother. The walk to the train station was sad for Hinata because he had to not only leave Akio but he had to face the people he had fallen in love with or at least he thinks he's fallen in love with. Hinata didn't really know fully how he felt but he had a feeling that it was love because he couldn't imagine living without them and he would love to go on cute little dates with every last one of them. Hinata just wanted to be around them and be with them.

A/N as I said in the beginning today is my last day of school and it's really sad but as always I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry if it's too short or too long and I love y'all so much ( >^ 3^) >

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