2 - King Greym!

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I watched as the dragon tore the giant snake to pieces, chunks of purple scales and flesh scattered across the cave floor. I couldn't take my eyes off it, no matter how hard I tried, or how loud some tiny part of my brain told me to run as fast and far as I could.

I was mesmerized. My eyes were glued to the creature. Ir's blue scales, the ruby crystals running along its form - it was majestic in a way. It made me feel so small, not just in terms of stature, but status.

It was the first thing in a long time to make me feel so insignificant... And in all honesty, it really, really pissed me off! It did even more so as it turned to leave, finished with its meal, it looked me dead in the eyes and just... walked away. Like I was nothing.

And that's why I'm here, slithering through the cave looking for ways to level up, because I swear that I'm gonna make that stupid, scaley bastard sorry for looking down on me like that!

One problem though...

"How do I even level up?"

Considering the whole "Skills, HP and MP bars", it's reasonable to say that this world is video-gamey, so I guess I gotta kill some things to get stronger. The problem is everything I've seen around here is either stupid strong or travels in huge freaking packs!

I mean, it kind of makes sense why centipedes would travel in large numbers, but why would deer need to?! Especially with those sharp ass horns they got! There were even a couple weird spiders walking around, but considering the level difference I didn't wanna take the risk...

And on top of that, all this running around's got that red SP bar down to 25%.

"I guess that's my hunger bar, huh? I started starving soon as it got past 50..."

I gotta find something to eat... I won't even get the chance to knock Araba down if I starve to death.

I hear a slight pitter patter behind me.

"Please don't be any more of those centipede things...?"

Thankfully it's not a centipede! It's actually... a mouse? A green mouse to be specific. It's sniffing about the place like I'm not here, so either it doesn't notice me or it just doesn't care.

【Elroe Greym     LV3    Unnamed】

【HP Bar】

【MP Bar】

【SP Bar】

【SP Bar】

Level 3, huh? And if I remember all those documentaries and YouTube videos, snakes are the natural enemy of rats! Well, besides cats, but that's not the point here. The point is...

"I can eat you."

I did my best to keep quiet while I slithered towards it, avoiding anything that would make too much noise.

《Skill proficiency reached. Acquired skill『Stealth LV1』》

Announcing that I've just unlocked Stealth doesn't seem very stealthy, announcement lady...

I don't know if it's the announcement or if I just slipped up somewhere, but the mouse is looking straight at me now. It's not moving though. It's completely still.

"Uhhm... hi? I totally wasn't gonna eat you, by the way."

Nope, it's still just standing there menacingly. I guess it didn't buy that wack excuse.

What do I do here? Neither of us is moving.

Do I try and eat it or do I just find something else?

So I'm a Snake, So What? (Kumodesu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now