22 - The Return: 3

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Ryoshi's claws sunk into Fritz's abdomen like a ho knife through butter, swiftly tearing through leathery hide, flesh and bone with equal ease.

As if that attack wasn't enough to get his HP barely a sliver above 0, Hakuja continued, grabbing a hold of one of the bat's wings and swinging him around mid-air, sending him to the ground for the second time this fight.

Next thing Fritz knew, Hakuja had touched down on him, once again violently driving Ryoshi's claw into his body, splattering blood wherever it could reach.

Fritz let out a choked out screech of pain, his Resistances doing nothing to keep the sensation assaulting his body at bay. He tried desperately to claw at Ryoshi's body, his wings barely having the strength to lift off he ground, let alone put any decent force behind an attack.

However, surprisingly enough, Fritz tried to go out fighting, his entire wing filling with Poison Attack and propelled by his own Dragon Power, but a single sweep of Ryoshi's claw was enough to nip the attempt right in the bud, severing his wing along with a good portion of his abdomen.

You wouldn't need Appraisal to see that he was gone as the light in his eyes disappeared, and once he had realized that he had done what he planned to, all Hakuja had to say, or think about it was, 'Good riddance.'

Hakuja shook Ryoshi's body, spraying as much of Fritz's blood off of his fur as possible, and once he straightened himself, he heard an awfully familiar voice.

〔My, you're a pretty cold person, aren't you?〕

Hakuja looked everywhere; left, then right, then behind him and... There it was. Propped up against a broken piece of rock, was a cellphone, with a silhouette displayed in its screen in front of a bright blue background.

〔Of course, I already knew that, but it's nice to have a reminder, don't you think?〕

Hakuja glared at the screen in response, "So, am I done with your stupid trial?"

D laughed, as if Hakuja's question was funny,〔It seems so~ Honestly, I was getting a little impatient waiting for you to figure out how to handle him, but you pulled through! Congratulations, my scaly friend~〕

He could hear some congratulatory 'Yay~!'s coming from the smartphone, and he couldn't tell if they were meant to annoy him or not, but that's all it wound up doing.

"Considering you're the reason I had to go through that in the first place, your congratulations don't mean shit."

〔Oh, come on~ You can't be all grumpy every time I come around to celebrate with you. You should know by now that I never come around without gifts. What kind of friend would I be if I did?〕

"First off: We're not friends. Second off: You can take your gifts and shove them up your--"

Before Hakuja could continue his verbal assault on this world's supposed God, an odd sensation overcame him. It was a feeling that he had grown somewhat accustomed to. That being his consciousness rapidly leaving him, similar to how it did whenever he evolved.

〔I'll be observing you, my scaly friend. And you can trust me when I say the gift I got for you is gonna blow your mind, and hopefully prove very entertaining. I did put a lot of work into it, after all~〕

Hakuja metaphorically flipped her off, drawing another laugh from the God. That was the last thing he would hear before he passed out.




'Urgh...' Hakuja groaned as his senses came back to him. His head felt light. Much more so than when he would evolve, and no matter how long he waited, his eyes never adjusted to the sunlight washing over him.

He raised a claw to block out the sun— Actually, no he didn't...?

He tried again, coming up with the same result, feeling little movement besides a slight flutter of muscle. His mind immediately went into overdrive, believing that he had been restrained somehow, and he shot upwards.

Surprisingly, he didn't find any form of restraint on him, nor anyone or anything that would serve as a threat. 

As his eyes slowly adjusted to the light, he looked left. Nothing. Then he looked right. Nothing. However, from the corner of his vision as he turned again, he noticed a figure not too far away from him.

His eyes locked onto it. He did his best to wake himself up and prepare to fight as soon as he woke up, but,

"My Lord?"

Hakuja finally adjusted to the light, realizing that he had been glaring at... Ryoshi?

'Wait, but I... Wasn't I possessing his body?'

"Is something wrong?"

Hakuja asked himself the same thing, confusion weaving into his thoughts by the second. He looked himself over, noting the familiar, extremely flexible nature of his neck and spine.

Though he couldn't see his head, everything else he saw was enough of an indicator for him. A long, slender body adorned with slightly dark blue scales.

While the change in color was, of course, a change for him, what was more surprisingly to him was what was at the tip of his tail. At the end of a long line of pure white fur(?) that ran along his spine, was a... blade?

A spear-like, slightly curved tip that extended from the base of his entire length. Hakuja scanned over it a moment longer, taking a few experimental swings with it, noting how it was practically weightless for him.

But once the wonder of it faded, Hakuja scoffed, 'I know taking most things D says to thought is stupid, but I doubt that this is what she thinks is gonna "blow my mind".'


'Stop reading my thoughts!' he boomed mentally, knowing full well that that would do nothing to detour her.

Regardless, the robotic voice continued.

《Senior Administrator D has sent an offer.》

《In exchange for the Skills formerly belonging to the individual Yangotera, Skill『Tyranny』will be bestowed.

Do you accept the trade?》

The robotic voice paused for a moment, awaiting his response. However, it didn't take long for Hakuja to accept. 'Eh, the Skills he stole from me aren't really my own anymore, so who cares? Take 'em.'

《The conditions have been met. Obtained skill:『Tyranny』.
『Falsifier』has been incorporated into『Tyranny』.
『Intimidation LV2』has been incorporated into『Tyranny』.
『Creature Training LV1』has been incorporated into『Tyranny』.
『Leadership LV5』has been incorporated into『Tyranny』.
『Cooperation LV1』has been incorporated into『Tyranny』.
Proficiency threshold has been reached. 『Taboo LV8』has risen to LV9.》

《The conditions have been met. You have acquired the title『Ruler of Tyranny』.
Due to the effects of the『Ruler of Tyranny』title, you have acquired the skills『Hierarchy』and『King's Might』.
『Corruption』has been incorporated into『Hierarchy』.
『Conquest』has been incorporated into『Hierarchy』.
『Herculean Strength LV5』has been incorporated into『King's Might』.
『Sturdy LV5』has been incorporated into『King's Might』.》


And that's that! :D

The snek is back. Rejoice!

Or don't... That's... That's fine too...

But, I think I've run down my random burst of motivation for a while so, imma just... chill, I guess? >->


So I'm a Snake, So What? (Kumodesu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now