R2 - Hostile Takeover

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...I'm confused.

Right after fighting a horde of homocidal monkeys, evolving, and hunting down Hakuja's rodent friend, I find myself in front of said rat, being bowed to like some kinda king!!!

What in the actual heck?!

I have absolutely zero idea what's happening... When did he evolve? What happened to all the other Greyms? Why is he so jacked all of a sudden?! WHY IS HE BOWING TO YOU?!?!

'Jesus Christ, shut up!! I don't know!!!'

Okay... Okay okay okay... Lemme think about this... Before this, Ryoshi was a Knight Greym... Or was he? Maybe this is an entirely different stage in his evolution line and I've been down here and stuck in your head for much longer than I initially thought... Meaning that I've been stuck in this white void you call a mind for who-knows-how-long, trapped with nothing to do while the rest of the world outside of this goddamn labyrinth; if there even is one; is moving on hunky-fucking-dory!!

Oh god, he's on one of these again... I'm way too tired for this, and my SP bar's not even low.

'Hakuja, look. How about I ask Ryoshi what's going on, we get our answers, figure out what to do from there, and then go on looking for a way out of the labyrinth. Cool?'


I could hear him sigh in my head.

Okay. Alright. I'm good.

'...Is that a yes?'

...Yes. That is a "yes", Fritz.

I'd gotten Hakuja to calm down and stop yelling in my head, but to be completely honest I had absolutely no idea where to go from there. I had no idea if Ryoshi could understand me, despite the bit of Japanese that he spoke earlier when he said "My Lord".

But, if he could understand even basic language, that it was worth a shot.



...The hell was that?

'I haven't had to speak a word in months, shut up!'

Perhaps it was something to do with the whole "being a bat" thing, but I found my voice to be gravelly and hoarse. Thinking about it now, echolocation does involve sound waves, so I should probably start making more sounds.

A bit of trial and error later (accompanied by odd looks from Ryoshi) and I was finally able to spit the question out.

"Ryoshi. What happened?"


Once I finally got the question out, Ryoshi told me everything that happened once he split off from Hakuja.


Ryoshi arrived at the gates of the Greym Kingdom for the second time that day, his newly acquired Rage skill in full effect, pushing him forward. The last bits of his mind that wasn't filled by rage was instead occupied by the goal that brought him to this point. He was out to cleanse the kingdom.

The cleansing began with two Elroe Greyms that happened to be exiting the tunnel. A swift slash turned the first to ribbons, and another did the same to the second.

He casually walked into the kingdom, blood fresh on his claws. Almost immediately, the entirety of the Greym Kingdom was up in arms to defend their home. From the base Greym as far as dozens of High Greym, all alerted by the entrance of a hostile monster.

So I'm a Snake, So What? (Kumodesu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now