3 - Rats...?

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I run into a rat, try to eat it, run into its entire family, fight their king, black out...

And wake up in the middle of a freaking rat society?! Okay, okay, let's backtrack.

I killed the King Greym, leveled up, and passed out right after. I don't know how long ago all that happened, but now I'm here on some weirdly decorated rock. There're rats moving in and out of the room via big crack in the wall, but other than them nothing has come through.

One positive, though,

【SP Bar 100%】

My SP bar's full, but since my HP bar filled back up soon as I leveled-up, I'm not sure if it's cause of that or if these guys were feeding me in my sleep... I kind of hope it's the second thing though, just because of what it implies.

Seeing no further reason to hang around the room, I slither out the crack in the wall and find myself looking at a large tunnel. The seemed to continue for a good bit and both of the walls seemed to be riddled with cracks identical to the one I was in, and it was full of rats moving around.

I moved forward, but as soon as I stepped into view all of them bowed.

...Holy crap. Does this mean...

"Uh... At ease?"

A few awkward seconds later and they all went back to what they were doing, so I slithered back into the crack and watched them all do their thing.

At some point I realized that a multiple of the rats were larger than the rest.

I guess it's time to pull Appraisal out.

【High Greym    LV17    Unnamed】


【HP: 364/364】

【MP: 180/180】

【SP: 200/200】

【SP: 200/200】

【Average Offensive Ability: 283】

【Average Defensive Ability: 231】

【Average Magic Ability: 68】

【Average Resistance Ability: 200】

【Average Speed Ability: 162】


『Deadly Poison Fang LV3』『Stealth LV6』『Night Vision LV10』『Vision Expansion LV3』『Poison Resistance LV6』『Acid Resistance LV2』『Cutting Enhancement LV4』『Rot Resistance LV1』『Shadow Magic LV1』

Skill Points: 0


『Foul Feeder』『Assassin』


And then I remembered. Before I blacked out I got a bunch of levels for all my skills, Appraisal's at level 10 now. On top of that it said that something "derived" from Night Vision soon as it hit level 10 too.

"So does that mean the cap for a skill is 10?"

That seems pretty likely, especially since Appraisal's giving me all this detail now. I wonder...

【Small Unique Elroe Hanaphio    LV7    Unnamed】


【HP: 130/130】

【MP: 90/90】

【SP: 100/100】

【SP: 100/100】

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