Step 1: Acceptance and Depression

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【HP: 0/1,553】

To think that that's really how I would go out. And on top of that, not even for the first time, nor the second or third. But the fourth time too.

【HP: 1/1,553】

With the only thing keeping me pushing being the Perseverance skill I had - that I wasn't even meant to be able to have in the first place - could I really say that I was actually still alive with that sliver of health?

That's how videogames go, right? You're HP runs down to 0 and that's it.

【HP: 0/1,553】

So then,

【HP: 1/1,553】

【HP: 0/1,553】

That marks, what? My fifth death? Sixth?

Honestly, it's pitiful... No, it's down right pathetic!

【HP: 1/1,553】

【HP: 0/1,553】

I always kinda wondered, what happened to the others?

It's just such a small possibility. That out of a room full of people, I'd be the only one to be stuck here. Shun, Shouko, Hiiro, Ms. Oka - if they really are in this world, how have they been dealing with all this?

Knowing Shun, with his stereotypical anime protagonistic BS, he's probably already making a name for himself, making anything with a pulse in his general vicinity his best friend. Tsk...

Shouko... Honestly, she's probably napping somewhere...

Then there's Hiiro and Ms. Oka... I can't really say I can guess what they could possibly be up to. Hiiro's always been a hard person to read - a total enigma, a textbook example of the word - and Ms. Oka's just...

Well, not to be cruel or anything but... I don't like her chances... She can be strict when she wants to be, sure, but I've never seen her outright angry, or even gotten a hint of it. It's like the woman doesn't have an aggressive bone in her body... But, it's always the nice ones you gotta watch out for the most, right...

With all that in mind, I'm sure they'd all be doing better than I am right now.

I mean, how many of them would be able to say they've kicked the bucket seven times over to the same damn overgrown, fire-breathing lizard!?

Over and over and over and over and over again.

MP goes down, HP goes up, HP goes back down. Rinse. And. Repeat.

So, when I put all this into perspective, I gotta wonder, what did I do wrong?

'Did I get ahead of myself?'

Obviously. I mean, come on. What I thinking when I started going off about taking down Araba.

I watched him tear that huge snake with way better stats and skills than me to pieces in a matter of seconds - like it was just a walk in the park for him. What the hell did I think that I was gonna do to him?

Sure I got stronger and all, but nowhere near that level.

My best option for getting at him was probably Ryoshi and the rest of the rats. They may not have been able to do much individually but considering their numbers Araba would get overwhelmed eventually. Especially if I went and named a bunch of them instead of just Ryoshi.

But even then, it's not like Ryoshi stuck around.

『Anger LV5』

To think that I couldn't even keep a fucking rat in check... And I wanted to take over the Labyrinth?

Now that I think about it... Why did I even wanna do that? This place is fuckin' terrible!

My whole reason for making my way through the Labyrinth in the first place was getting the hell out! But, no, I decided I wanted to take a shot at subjugating things!


【HP: 1/1,553】

【HP: 0/1,553】

And that makes eight...

"You know what? I give up. Congrats, D or who-the-fuck-ever is directing this shitshow! You win!"



And now, silence.

I was expecting D to pop up right about now, laughing her ass off about how hilarious this whole thing is, but somehow, this is worse than that. Complete and utter silence. Even the dragon's fire has stopped.

I can't see. I can't hear. Touch. Smell. Taste. All gone.

And even with all that, here I am. How am I still here? How am I still thinking?

Am I even thinking? Are my thought even my own? Have they ever been?

Every decision, every step I've taken, every goddamn breath I've taken up to this point - was any of that my own choice?!

...Hehe. And here I am already going hysterical.

Not a minute has gone bye since the dragon took me out and I'm already losing it. Questioning my existence, waiting for some psycho bitch with way too much free time to pop up outta nowhere to laugh her head off at all this.

There's no question about it.

I'm pathetic.

Absolutely pathetic... Man, do I know how that feels... Stuck in an endless void with no sound, sight or smell to help you figure out which way is left, right, or even up and down - you feel completely and utterly trapped, dontcha?

'...Who the hell...?'

Honestly? I couldn't really answer that for you. Maybe I'm another you? Maybe I'm what you used to be? Hell, maybe I'm someone totally different! But, at the end of the day what I do know is that I'm here as a friend! So, to that end... Let's talk~


This chapter is pretty short, but I figured I may as well get started on this before I go further with things, just for the sake of timeline placement and stuff. :p

Also for the sake of tying my whole page together... ( ._.) But that's less important...

So I'm a Snake, So What? (Kumodesu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now