10 - Divine Punishment

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*splash* *splash* *splash*

The seahorse paddled across the pool of lava with me on its back, going along with the growling of my stomach being the only other noise around.

【SP: 63/1,007】

"Urgh... I got so caught up with the whole 'Contract' thing that I completely ignored how empty my stomach got after evolving..."

At least I can confirm that the seahorse is decently fast when it's swimming.


The seahorse let out a low grown.

"What's up with you? I just healed you not too long ago, you can't be low already..."

【HP: 127/179】

52 HP down from the last time I healed it. I found out that it passively loses HP after a while. Hell, Healing Magic even went up a level after a while, which earned me a spell called "Micro Treatment". With it I could close up the more minor wounds it had, but anything major was beyond what I could do.

I was thinking if I leveled it up enough, I could fully patch the thing up, but it's a pretty slow burn when the only consistent way to level it up besides killing things is by waiting for the seahorse to come to the verge of death.

Is this ethical? In my old world, not at all. But, here? I don't think anyone would care.


"Man, it's been a while since I've worried about starving to death. Guess this is the world's way of humbling me..."


Beside me, the lava was rising.

"Please don't be the dragon coming back to finish what we started... I really don't wanna deal with that when I'm this hungry..."

【Elroe Guneseven    LV1    Unnamed】


【HP: 390/390】

【MP: 150/150】

【SP: 148/148】

【SP: 395/395】

【Average Offensive Ability: 296】

【Average Defensive Ability: 256】

【Average Magic Ability: 91】

【Average Resistance Ability: 88】

【Average Speed Ability: 89】


『Fire Wyrm LV1』『Swim LV5』『Hit LV6』『Dragon Scales LV1』『Overeating LV1』『Heat Nullification』



Seahorses, Dragons, and now Catfish? Man, the Middle Stratum is a mess.

"Normally I'd play around with you, but I'm starving and you're the closest thing to food besides the seahorse!"

With that, I catapulted myself off the seahorse's back and onto the catfish. It seemed lost on what to do, so it did just about what most things in the Labyrinth do when I'm somewhere on them they can't reach. Thrash around wildly and hope I get flung, but seeing as we were in the middle of a pool of semi-solid death, I ended it quick with a Deadly Poison Fang to the back of its head.

A bit more flailing (that almost sent me into the lava) later and the thing died.

"Phew. I would bask in the post-victory celebration, but I get the feeling this thing's gonna sink like a rock, so..."

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