4 - Title Grinding

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《The conditions have been met. You have acquired the title『Kin Eater』》

《Due to the effects of the『Kin Eater』title, you have acquired the skills『Taboo LV1』and『Heretic Magic LV1』》

Kin Eater?

【Kin Eater:A title awarded to those who have eaten a relative】

So this thing was related to me? It was probably one of my siblings that evolved.

Hm... Should I feel bad about this? I mean, it's not like I have any real connection to my "family" here, so I don't think I care all that much...



Anyway, I guess I get skills along with a title, that's neat! I also got a couple from that Assassin title. But...


『Heretic Magic』

These sound really edgy... And I still have no idea how to use magic!

《The conditions have been met. Small Unique Elroe Hanaphio can now evolve into an alternative form, if so desired.》

Huh? Evolve? Already?

I thought I'd have to level up a lot more than this to evolve, like most RPGs.

"Just a second."


I hear a voice behind me, it sounds almost artificial in the way that it echoes. I turn around and see... no one? Wait, is that... a cellphone?

The screen lit up and the voice I just heard sounds through again.

"Uhhh... was this always here? I mean, I doubt it but like, who would put a phone in the middle of a cave?"

〔Hello there, little reptile. I'm D.〕

D? Just D? That's either an alias or the result of a really uncreative naming process...

〔Well that's rude. I happen to like my name.〕

"Hold on, did you just read my mind...?"

〔Wow, talk about deja-vu! I had someone ask that exact same thing not too long ago! But, yes, I can read your mind. Don't worry about it too much though, I don't make a habit of it or anything.〕


〔Anyway, I'm here to congratulate you!〕

"Congratulate me? For what? Killing this thing?"

〔Yup! That and the King Greym earlier. I'm honestly amazed at how fast you manage to find yourself in trouble! It's quite amusing, please keep it up!〕

"Uh-h-huh... Well, if that's all, I've got some stuff to do involving an evolution. Bye."

〔Oh, come now, don't be like that! Do you really think I would show up for a celebration without a gift?〕

《The conditions have been met. Acquired skill 『Greed』》

《Skill『Taboo』has risen to LV3》

"Huh? But I just got that skill."

《The conditions have been met. You have acquired the title『Ruler of Greed』》

《Due to the effects of『Ruler of Greed』, you have acquired the skills『Conquest』and『Appraisal LV10』》

《『Appraisal LV10』was unified with『Appraisal LV10』》

So I'm a Snake, So What? (Kumodesu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now