8 - What Is This, HELL?!

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It's pretty clear that since I arrived in this world my luck has been way down. First I wake up as a snake surrounded by an even bigger snake, then I almost get crushed by a giant rat, after that I get attacked by some adventurers and my only ally abandons me, and now, I find myself in what looks like the literal depths of Hell...

It'd be both unsurprising and shocking if my luck got any worse.

But, anyway, the Middle Stratum. I followed that tunnel the adventurers went through while I was killing off their friends and popped up here. Fire, brimstone and magma as far as the eye can see. Or lava, I don't remember the difference.

The ground here is hell on my stomach, too. Not a good place for something that's gotta slither to get around, but I'll just have to deal with it I guess.

Another thing, it feels like this place is completely empty! Sure, there are some monsters walking around the place, but they're all on the other side of a pool of magma that I'm not even gonna try and cross.

I'd say this Stratum needs a conqueror too, but I don't even have a way to get around the place right now, ruling it is out of the question!

"I could try to use Poison Shot... And maybe Petrifying Demon Eye will work with Vision Expansion..."

Only one way to find out, I guess. First, Deadly Poison Shot!

I looked around for an enemy to target, eventually spotting a weird red frog across a pool of lava.


I sent a large ball of poison it's way. It made some good distance, flying away decently fast aaaaaaaand plopped straight into the lava right before making it to the land. Alright.

The frog seemed to notice, turning around just in time to see the Poison Shot splash into the molten lava below. It turned, saw the poison, looked up to me, and... it started dancing. And laughing.

《Skill proficiency reached. You have acquired the skill『Heresy Resistance LV1』》

"Are you- Alright, that's it! Take this!"

While it was caught up in its laughter, I sent a Dark Bullet at it. A straightforward shot of Dark Magic that smacked it right in the back of the head, knocking it to the ground face-first.

"Get recked!!"



The lava began to bubble and rise in front of me, and from the lava came- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!

【Elroe Gunesohka    LV2    Unnamed】


【HP: 2,085/2,085】

【MP: 1,622/1,622】

【SP: 1,881/1,881】

【SP: 2,064/2,064】

【Average Offensive Ability: 1716】

【Average Defensive Ability: 1601】

【Average Magic Ability: 1299】

【Average Resistance Ability:1296】

【Average Speed Ability: 1410】


『Fire Wyrm LV8』『Imperial Scales LV1』『SP Recovery Speed LV1』『SP Lessened Consumption LV1』『Flame Attack LV2』『Flame Enhancement LV1』『Cooperation LV1』『Leadership LV3』『Hit LV10』『Evasion LV10』『Probability Correction LV4』『Presence LV1』『Danger Perception LV3』『High-Speed Swimming LV4』『Impact Resistance LV2』『Heat Nullification』『Life LV8』『Instantaneous LV4』『Persistant LV5』『Strength LV5』『Solidity LV8』『Technique User LV1』『Protection LV1』『Running LV2』『Overeating LV5』

So I'm a Snake, So What? (Kumodesu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now