Mills & Boons Series 1 : Indecent Proposal

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Hello everyone... I was "trying" to read some Mills & Boons yesterday and the day before, and while reading all the synopsis and reviews I felt like writing a M&B type of story. Here is a new series, it is called Mills & Boons Series. I don't know how many stories would be there in this series. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Indecent Proposal

Madhubala Malik hurriedly walks into her office. She was late today. She hated being late. Madhu rushes to her table and was about to sit.

"Madhu..." Ria calls her and Madhu stops quickly and turns around to look at her. "Chief asked you to see him before you started work." Ria tells her with a teasing and all knowing smile.

Madhu sighs and walks towards his cabin. It was not even a secret what he has been trying. He never tried to be subtle. How she hated him for that.

She knocks on the door and pokes her head in, "May I come in, Chief?"

"Madhu!" RK looks up with a smile. "You know you don't have to ask."

"You are my boss and I have to."

"Have I ever treated you like my employee?" RK asks her grinning.

"I would appreciate it a lot if you did." Madhu replies.

"I could but I don't want to." RK replies as he checked her out top to bottom. "No new dress for your birthday?"

"How do you know it is my birthday?" Madhu asks him shocked.

"Where you are concerned it is my business to know." RK tells her as he stood up and walked towards her. "Happy Birthday, Madhu." RK tells her as he offered her a jewellery box.

"What is this?" Madhu asks frowning.

"Open it." RK tells her as he pushed the box onto her hand.

Madhu opens the box to see a beautiful diamond necklace. For a second, she had to force herself to close it and return it to him. "I don't take expensive gifts, especially from you."

"Ouch." RK says keeping his hand over his heart though he was still grinning. "You are always rejecting my gifts."

"I know what prize it comes with it. And it is against my policy to accept expensive gifts from outsiders."

"That was cruel." RK tells her making puppy face.

"You'll live. Can I go?"

"So... you won't take expensive gifts... huh? How about an inexpensive one?" RK asks her.

"What is it?" Madhu asks frowning.


"You? inexpensive?" Madhu mocks. "Aren't you the heir to a business worth 200 crores?"

"You have too much information." RK says pissed.

"It's my business to know who I am working for." Madhu throws his words back at him and turns to walk off.

Madhu walks towards her table and sees a giftwrapped box. Curious she opens it to see a red rose inside that.

"You will never take expensive gifts from me. So I got you that." RK tells her.

Madhu turns around to find him leaning on his door with a sexy smile.


"I didn't even pay a single penny for that. I stole it from my mom's garden." RK tells her grinning. "So I don't think you have any grounds to refuse that." Then he turns to Ria and cheekily winks at her and walk back.

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