In Her Love

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Hello everyone, this is a one shot fanfic. Let me warn you, it is a little mature subject, not in the sense of physical intimacy but the subject is a little dark. So if you have issues in this type of dark stories please don't read it. This is the first time I am writing a dark subject, it is not my fort so please leave your comments, I would really appreciate. Because I am used to writing light hearted stories, so please comment.

You want a love that consumes you.

- Damon to Elena in The Vampire Diaries

RK sat leisurely in his pent house as he drank the hot coffee his wife had made for him just before she hurried to get ready for the day ahead, even though he had servants running around the house, his wife insisted on cooking for him. He was about to take the newspaper from the table when he heard the door open. He looks at the door to see his faithful manager running to him huffing - puffing. He watches him in mild interest as he wondered what could have rattled his stuck-up manager so much that he forgot his manners. "Chief... Chief..." Buttuji started as he tried to catch his breath and divulge his important news at the same time. "Take your time, Bittuji. It's not like I have anything else to do." RK says sarcastically. "Chief..." Bittuji starts again and stops, not because he was short of breath but because he heard the door open. RK looked at the bedroom door and saw his wife walking out hurriedly and then hurrying back to the room with her towel in hand, absentmindedly smiling at Bittuji and him. He watched as the door closed wondering what was up with her? She seemed preoccupied and absentminded for the last two days. He wondered what the matter was, he wanted to ask her but then they didn't have that kind of a communication. He took whatever he wanted from her while she kept giving and giving. The darkness he hated so much was slowly creeping up in his heart again. Did she decide she had enough of his cruelty? Did she decide she had enough of him? Was she contemplating on leaving him? What will he do if she leaves? As much as he hated admitting it, she was all he had and the one he loved.

"Chief..." Bittuji's voice broke into his thoughts. The fear of his wife leaving suddenly gripping his heart, RK turned to the Bittuji and coldly says "I am not paying you to keep chanting Chief Chief. If you want to say something then tell me or just get lost. One more time you say Chief, you will be looking for a new Chief." RK tells him all the while staring him down. No one could hold his stare except for his wife. Having lost his patience, RK decides to check on his wife, just to make sure she didn't leave him. RK mentally kicked himself for such an absurd thought; there was no way she could have got out of the bedroom without him seeing. He was about to walk to the room when Bittuji again stopped him. "Chief." RK losing his patience was about to lash out at him when he noticed Bittuji looking at his bedroom to make sure it is closed. RK held his tongue, as whatever Bittuji wants to tell him he didn't want his wife to find out. Did it have something to do with his wife? Maybe this is the reason she seemed distant, RK quickly corrects himself not distant, she never distanced herself from him except for the initial days of their marriage.. she seemed preoccupied. Today, he had to ask her for the coffee, unlike other days when she and coffee would be waiting for him in the morning. "What is it?" RK asks in a chilling voice. Looking at the closed door for one last time, Bittuji tells him "Last night, they arrested him." "Who?" RK asks knowing well who Bittuji was talking about. "Dutta. It is in the paper." Bittuji tells him as he hurriedly picks up the newspaper from the table and handing it to RK as he pointed out the news article.

RK read the news three times before he left his breath. After 17 years, finally his arch-enemy was brought to justice. He had thrown money all over the country to have Dutta brought to justice. Finally, his day had come. He had waited 17 years, 4 months and 28 days for this day. Unlike last time, this time RK will make sure Dutta pay for what he did. He still remembered the night all those years ago when Dutta had killed his father in cold blood. He had killed his father in front of him, and there was nothing a 12 year old could have done. When the police had arrested him, Dutta had threatened his mother with his life forcing her to save the man who killed her husband to save her son. RK remembered how his mother had lied in court saying RK was delusional and undergoing psychiatric treatment, and she had witnessed her husband's murder and the killer was not Dutta. And Dutta had walked scott free to become a dreaded underworld don all feared. For 17 years, RK lived with the knowledge that Dutta was living in the save earth breathing the same air that he did. But all his attempts at revenge were thwarted by his own mother who still feared Dutta and his retaliation. She had his hands tied with her fear. After his mother passed away the year before, RK started making his moves to ruin Dutta who had unfortunately gone into hiding by then. Then he had found out through his sources that Dutta very secretly met a girl in Mumbai, his girlfriend. RK jolted out of his thoughts when a thought struck him, did she know? Was that why she was behaving strangely the last two days? His insecurities starts clouding his logical thinking, ignoring the fact that Dutta was arrested last night while his wife was behaving strangely for the last two days.

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