The Moon Series 1 : Lonely Moon

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Madhu stood by the window with the phone clutched to her ears as she listened to the ringtone. She knew he wouldn't answer; he never did because he didn't need her. For him, she wasn't his wife just a charity case he had to take upon himself. She knew what she was getting into, she knew he didn't love her then why is she still clinging on the hope that one day he is going to turn around and look at her and say 'I love you' or say that he wanted their marriage to last for a life time and not just a year? Madhu throws the phone on the bed as she turned to look at the bright full moon. She was like that moon, all alone in the big sky like she is all alone in this big house. Madhu looks at the moon as she leaned her head on the window sill remembering those teenage moments with Rishu, when they used to sneak out at night to gaze at the moon. Rishu had a certain fondness for the moon while she had always felt the sun was more beautiful, but she used to accompany him every time to gaze at the moon. While he gazed at the moon, she gazed at him. As long as she could remember, she had loved him and thought even he did but he didn't. She thought of calling him again but changed her mind. She wondered if he was looking at the moon now, if he was then was he with someone? He had told her that he can never be with a single girl and girls entered and exited his life day in and day out. But he was kind enough to keep it all private and away from their house. Madhu wipes away her tears as she walked towards their bed. She settles on the bed as she tried to sleep knowing full well that she won't sleep till she sees her Rishu stumble back into their bedroom in the wee hours of the morning.

Madhu was cutting the vegetables when the white blade brushes through her skin and cut her deeply. Madhu flinches as she gripped her finger and ran to the tap to keep it in cold water. She had started cooking only after her marriage, four months ago and she was still learning the ways of cooking. Rishu's household had only ceramic knives which were too sharp for her liking or comfort. When she had requested him whether she could buy normal knives he had casually informed her that she would not forget that she is here for just a year and not try changing things in his house to her comfort. So she had to make herself acquainted with all the fancy chinaware and expensive crystals of his house for day to day use. Being from a middle class background she really couldn't appreciate the overindulgence of the rich people in these things.

"Did you cut your hand again?" RK asks her warily as he walked into the kitchen.

Madhu nods as she tried to stop the bleeding. RK walks to the fridge and grabs an ice and walks towards her and keep the ice on her wound and hold it tight.

"If you don't know to cook then get a cook." RK tells her.

"No, I'll cook."

"It's not like you are a good cook." RK mutters as he with his other hand pulled open the drawer and took out the bandage from the first aid box. Madhu looks away hurt hearing his callous comment.

"I am trying." Madhu whispers, she didn't know cooking when they got married but she herself had felt that she was improving tremendously.

"You don't have to try, Madhu. You are not going to be here for more than 8 months now."

Madhu looks away upset that he was counting down the days for her to leave.

"Or is it practice for the man you marry after our divorce?"

Madhu snatches her hand from his and walks to the counter. "Breakfast would be ready in a few minutes."

"I'll have from out." RK tells her. "I am meeting someone for breakfast."

"Who?" Madhu asks before she could stop herself.

RK turns to Madhu and asks her, "Are you forgetting your place, Madhu? Please don't tell me you are taking this farce marriage as a serious thing. Don't forget you begged me to marry you so your mother agrees for her operation and on 9th march, we will be filing for our divorce."

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