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"Mom, I just don't want you to come with me!" Mukund says stubbornly. "But why? Even I want to see my bahu!" his mother argues. "That is why!" Mukund tells her. "You are already calling her your bahu when I haven't even met her. I don't want you coming there to complicate things." Mukund tells her in finality. "You can't go alone to meet her." "RK is coming with me." Mukund tells her. Savita turns to look at RK who was half lying half sitting on the couch as he flipped through a magazine. "Rishab, will you make sure he doesn't do anything stupid there?" Savita asks him. "For the love of God, what stupidity will I do?" Mukund asks exasperated. "Like say no!" Savita tells him. "Don't worry, aunty. I'll not let him do anything stupid." RK tells her chuckling then looking up at her he adds, "Unless of course I like the girl and decides to keep her for myself!" "CHUP! Shubh Shubh bolo." Savita scolds him. "Liking a girl and deciding to marry her is shubh shubh boling, aunty." RK tells cheekily making Mukund chuckle behind his mother.

Malik opens the door with a smile and asks, "Mukund?" "That is me." Mukund replies smiling. "Please come in." Malik says and ushers them in. "So... who is this?" Malik asks pointing at RK. "This is Rishabh Kundra, he is my best friend." Mukund tells him and RK smiles at Malik politely. Malik smiles at RK and then asks Mukund, "Your mother didn't come?" "No... I thought it is better I meet Madhubala informally before Mom meets her." "Oh okay." As Malik talked to Mukund and RK a lady walks in. "This is my wife, Padmini. And this is Mukund and that is Rishabh, Mukund's friend." Malik introduces them. "Is Madhu ready?" Malik asks Padmini. "Yes, I'll call her." Padmini says and walks back inside.

They hear a girl enter and, RK and Mukund looks up to see Madhubala walking in with a tray laden with tea and snacks. "Madhu, that is Mukund and that is Rishabh, his friend. Give them the tea." Malik tells her. Madhu walks towards RK and Mukund and was about to offer the tea when she trips on her saree and the tray slides down pouring tea on RK. "Oh my God! I am sorry." Madhu says worried as she kept the tray on the table and grabbed the tissue box wiping his shirt. "Ouch... ouch..." RK gulps as the hot tea burned his skin. "I am so sorry. I am not used to walking in sarees." Madhu whispers to him. RK looks at her and sees her almond eyes looking at him in worry. "It's okay, it happens." RK tells her smiling. "You alright?" Mukund asks him and RK nods in reply. "Madhu!" Malik says in a disappointed tone while Padmini started hyperventilating. "It's fine, uncle. No problem." RK tells Malik. "I should clean this up." RK tells no one in particular. "Yes sure, please come with me." Madhu says and RK follows her.

RK was washing off his shirt at the wash basin while Madhu stood behind him watching him. RK turns back after washing and kind of gets surprised seeing the change in her attitude. She looked evil suddenly. "Did it burn you?" Madhu asks him as she walked towards him. "It's fine." RK says slightly frowning. Suddenly Madhu bends down a little acting as if she was about to catch his private and he jumps back in shock slamming against the wall. Now that she had him pressed up against the wall, she quickly moves forward and keeps her hands on either side of him imprisoning him. "This is just the beginning if you don't say no to this proposal." Madhu tells him in a warning tone. RK frowns at her in shock; did she think he was Mukund? And did she pour tea on him on purpose? "That was no accident, was it?" "No! And if you don't say no then every morning I'm going to pour hot tea on you to wake you up." Madhu says in a threatening tone. Looking at her glaring at him like an angry angel he suddenly had an image of her waking him up with a cup of tea. Oh God! "Did you get me?" Madhu asks him. "Why do you want me to say no?" RK asks her. "Now you want a reason? This isn't enough?" Madhu asks pointing his chest with her eyes. RK looks at the wash basin and turns on the hot water and then quickly holding her hand keeps it under the running water. "What are you doing?" Madhu asks as she struggles. "The water is getting hot! It is getting hot, you pig!" Madhu says frantically. RK leaves her hand and says, "If you hurt me, I am going to hurt you back in equal measure. So it is not reason enough." Madhu glares at him. "So?" RK asks her. Madhu stomps her feet and sighing says "This is not me! I didn't want to cheat you." "What is not you?" RK asks confused. "THIS!" Madhu says as she gestured herself top to bottom and bottom to top, twice. "I didn't get you." RK says confused. "God! You are an idiot. I am not this. This saree girl! But my parents want me to be like this and are emotionally blackmailing me into acting as this. This is not me. I am not this saree clad temple going girl. I am a party girl. I like to party. I like getting drunk. I like going out and meeting people. I want to have a love marriage. Not marry someone of my parents' choice but my own." Madhu tells him passionately. "But you still don't want to upset your parents." "They are my parents, you mutt!" Madhu tells him as if he had missed an important point. RK starts smiling, "Hmmm... what if I am a party animal? And I like getting drunk once in a while?" Madhu starts frowning at him. "Do you sleep around?" RK asks her. "WHAT?" Madhu asks shocked. "How dare you ask me such a thing, you pervert?" "A man's gotta ask what he's gotta ask." RK says shrugging. "I don't know why it is any of your business but no!" "Good!" RK says smiling. "So say no!" Madhu tells him. RK starts chuckling. "What is so funny?" Madhu asks frowning. "I cracked a joke in the morning." RK tells her still chuckling. "And you are laughing now? Oh God! How dumb are you?" Madhu asks frowning. "And you laugh at your own jokes?" she asks in disgust. "No, I just realized how true it has become." RK tells her. "Huh?" Madhu asks shocked. He suddenly holds her and turns around slamming her onto the wall, "I had joked that if I liked the girl, then I might decide to keep her for myself." RK tells her. "What?" Madhu asks frowning. "And guess what? I am going to keep you." RK tells her and slams his mouth on her kissing her passionately.

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