Child Marriage 1 - Jab Miya Biwi...

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Hello everyone!

Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous story.

Fair warning, the hero of this story has no filter. He has no filter that RK from The Hired Wife, might feel like a trailer to you all.

Madhu walks into the Kundra house with her father. She meets Mohan Uncle and Radha Aunty and sits with them as she watched her father. He was looking nervous, upset and restless.

"Madhu, you don't have to sit with us. you go." Malik tells her.

"No, Papa... I'm fine." Madhu says as she sat back because she wanted to know what was troubling her father.

"Go, Madhu... Rishu is there in the TV room." Radha tells her.

"It's okay, Aunty." Madhu replies.

Even though, she has known Rishu all her life, she wasn't friends with him. just friendly. Her father and his father were best friends and they were in the same class all throughout their schooling. They both had given their 12th board exams just last week. Rishu and her wavelength never really matched because Rishu was so different from her and the guy was pretty weird, he spoke his mind without a thought to the consequences, leaving everyone around him to clear up the mess.

She was trying to figure out what was troubling her father when she feels as if someone was watching her. she curiously looks around and finds RK waving at her from upstairs.

He gestures her to come up.

Madhu shakes her head in no.

He glares at her and gestures her to come.

Sighing, Madhu gets up and walks towards the stairs.


"How long have I been calling you!" RK mutters as he opened his bedroom door and gestures her to get in.

"I was busy." Madhu replies as she sat on his bed.

"You were simply sitting there." RK points out with a frown.

"I feel Papa is worried about something. I was just trying to find out what it was." Madhu explains.

RK frowns. "If your father is trying to hide it from you, he wouldn't be saying that with you near him." RK points out.

"Yeah I know."

"So, why were you refusing to come up then?"

Madhu shrugs. "Leave it. So, what is it?"

"Did you talk to Dipali?" he asks her.

"Yeah I forgot to tell you, I did." Madhu tells him.


"She will go on a date with you on Sunday."

"Awesome!" RK grins happily. "Did she say where she wanted to go?"

"No." Madhu tells him as she dialed Dipali on her phone. "Here, talk to her."

RK takes her phone and walks a little away to talk to her.

"Did you talk to Mukund?" Madhu asks him.

"Yeah, he said no." RK informs her as he waited for Dipali to pick up.

Madhu nods feeling a little sad.

She had a crush on Mukund since the last few months. She had been wondering how to approach him when she noticed how Rishu was drooling after Dipali, she had told him that she would talk to Dipali for him and he should talk to Mukund for her. looks like Rishu's ship sailed and her sunk.

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