Say You Love Me

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Hearing the door bell, Madhu quickly opens the door knowing who would it be.

"Hey." RK says smiling at her. "What's up? Why did you ask me to come?"

"Come inside." Madhu tells him as she opened the door wide for him.

RK walks in following her.

"How are the preps going?" Madhu asks him conversationally as she gathered her courage to ask him what she wanted from him.

"Fine... I guess." RK says a little disinterestedly.


"What hmmm?" RK asks a little irately.

"Nothing." Madhu says shaking her head as she gestured him to sit.

Sighing loudly, RK sits on her couch and curiously looks around her studio flat. It looked messy and disorganized, unlike her usual organized self.

"Everything alright?" RK asks her curiously.

"Yeah... all fine."


"What hmmm?"

"Nothing." RK says shrugging. "Why is your flat in a mess?" RK asks unable to hide his curiosity.

"I've been a little distracted." Madhu replies a little vaguely as she quickly grabbed all the magazines on the table and neatly stacked it up.

"About what?" RK asks unable to hide his excitement. His heart doing a happy jig.

"About me." Madhu quickly says realizing where his thoughts were going as she studied her nails.

"What about you?" RK ask with a little frown as his excitement died down.

"I've been thinking about my future." Madhu tells him still not looking at his eyes.

"What about it?" RK asks as his heart started beating faster.

"I can't live alone forever." Madhu tells him hesitantly.

"Madhu... my engagement is in a month's time... but I can still call..." RK quickly starts to tell her.

"I need a favor from you." Madhu quickly cuts him off.

"What favor?"

Madhu finally looks into his eyes and tells him, "I want to have a baby."

"What?" RK asks as his heart skipped a beat and his breath got caught in his throat.

"I said I want to have a baby."

"Baby? You mean you want to get married?" RK asks not understanding completely.

"I am never getting married." Madhu tells him in finality.

"What nonsense is this, Madhu?" RK asks getting furious.

"Please, RK... you are the only man I trust."

"Then you marry me. Not ask me for something so disgusting." RK tells her as he stood up.

"RK, I can never marry you... I can never marry anyone." Madhu tells him helplessly as she stood up.

"What the hell happened in your past, Madhu? Why the hell you never talk about it?" RK asks her.

"Nothing happened. I can't handle marriages."

"I have known you since you were 14. So, please think before you lie to my face."

"RK... why is it so hard for you to realize that I just don't want what a normal girl wants from her life? Why should I have a horrible past if I decide to have a baby without marriage?"

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