The Proposal

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Madhu was getting ready to go for her work, for once she was happy that she was not running late and can have her breakfast. "MADHU!!" she heard her father screaming for her. "Coming." she replied back picking her things and walking out of her room.

"Good morning, Papa." Madhu cheerfully wished her father as she kissed him. "Good morning, beta." Malik wishes her back. "Madhu, this is Rishabh Kundra's photo. Sultan mailed today, if you like him then we can proceed further." Malik told her turning the monitor towards her. Madhu started feeling nervous, last week she had told her parents that she was ready for marriage and Rishabh Kundra, her brother's boss and best friend, was the first proposal for her. Her brother had arranged it. She averted her gaze to the monitor and her breath caught in her throat. The man on the photo was handsome to say the least, but it was not his handsome looks or well toned body that attracted her to him but his innocent eyes and the devilish grin on his face, which promised that life with him would be a roller coaster ride that you will never grow tired of, he was a man to be reckoned with, she really didn't understand what that praise meant, long back she had read a line in a book where the hero said something like that about the heroine "a woman to be reckoned with." she never understood what he had meant by that but she definitely understood that she could say the same for Rishabh Kundra. "So what do you think?" she heard her father, turning to look at her father she noticed that her mother had also joined them, and they were looking at her expectantly. She wanted to say that she liked him but was too shy "I don't know, you both decide. I am running late. Bye." Madhu quickly replied and ran out without having her breakfast.

Madhu reached the venue fifteen minutes earlier. She worked in an event management company, and she was in charge of Mr. Kapoor's daughter's reception. It was one of the biggest events she had coordinated and she had slogged for it over the last four months. Now today the never ending functions at Mr. Kapoor's was coming to an end, and thankfully since the bride and the groom have to attend another function on the same day, the reception was held in the afternoon instead of night. Madhu put her full energy into the job at hand so everything went on perfectly till the end. "Hey Madhu." Dipali called out cheerfully. "Hey Dipali! Stage all set?" Madhu asks her "Yes, but why don't you just have a last look?" "Sure." Madhu replies and was about to walk off when Dipali stops her "After today's function we all have been planning on going for a movie. We surely need the break. You interested?" "Great! Count me in." Madhu replies with a smile, and walks towards the stage to see the arrangement.

Much later, Madhu was receiving the guests also cross checking it with the guest list provided to them, when she heard a manly voice say "Rishabh Kundra." Shocked Madhu looks up and sees the man whose photo she had seen the very morning, and the only thought that was going through her mind was this man is not photogenic, that photo didn't do even half justice to him just looking at him made her feel that she was in heaven and there really are angels. As she gaped at him he gives her a curious look and looks down at the list she was holding and asks "Is there a problem?" Madhu looks at him, and sees his gaze returning to her from her list and lingers there, "Well?" he asks. She realizes that he didn't recognize her, maybe Sultan has still not showed him her photo, aah interesting, now she can know very well what type of a man he is, as he needn't be on his best behavior in front of her as she was just a worker here. Very interesting. "Do you want me to check the list for you?" he asks with a devilish grin. Recovering quickly she looks down at the list and finds his name right on the first page. "No problem. Welcome sir." Madhu says graciously and bends down to tick his name "Thanx sweetheart." RK says with the same devilish grin and saunters in while Madhu fumed at his back. She was not going to marry him she will never marry a man who goes calling unknown girls sweetheart.

Even though Madhu decided not to marry Mr. Rishabh-the-flirty-Kundra, she couldn't help spying on him. He had style and attitude, he rarely talked to anyone just silently listened to people talk to him, nodding in between just to show that he is not sleeping because no one could tell whether he was sleeping or not with him wearing his sunglasses all the time. She remembers her brother saying that RK didn't talk much, and now she could see that. "Hi babes! Nice arrangements." one man told her with a flirty smile. Madhu loved her job a lot but this is one thing she hated the most in her work, men trying to flirt with her, and she could never be rude to them because of her job and always had to charmingly talk back towards them. "Thank you." Madhu replies back with a polite smile. "I'm Mukund." "I'm Madhubala Malik." She replies as she shook his hand, and tried her best to extricate her hand from his clutch. "How about dinner tonight?" he asks her squeezing her hand. "Sorry, some other time maybe? I have a movie date with my girlfriend." Madhu replies. "Girlfriend?" he asks shocked. "Yeah. She is over there" Madhu replies and then turns to act as if she is looking for someone when she bumped into someone. "Sorry." Madhu quickly says and looks up to see Rishabh Kundra standing there with a grin on his face. "It's okay, I just came over to talk to Mukund but he seems to be in a hurry." RK says pointing towards Mukund who was running in the opposite direction. Madhu's heart started slamming against her chest wondering whether RK heard her talk with Mukund, she didn't want to marry this man but she didn't want him to think that she was interested in girls. "I am not a lesbian." Madhu says quickly. RK was about to turn away when her voice hit him and he turns back to look at her with that devilish grin back on his face, "I already guessed that, sweety." Madhu starts fuming again, how dare he go call girls sweety?

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