Engagement Trilogy 3 : Thode Badmaash

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The nurse comes out of the labor room announces looking at Balraj Kundra, "It's a girl!" Balraj smiles and turns to his three year old grandson sitting next to him, "Mubarak Ho, Rishu. Your wife is here." Rishab looks at his grandfather and smiles happily. A while later, Malik brings his new born daughter to Balraj. "Baoji, your granddaughter." Malik tells him smiling proudly. Balraj quickly takes her in his arms and smiles happily. He had wanted a granddaughter, so that Rishu could marry her and all the wealth would stay within the family and not go outside. They were the richest family in the village. He had two sons, albeit adopted. Elder one being Mohan Kundra, who was Balraj's brother's son. He had claimed him as his own when his brother and his wife died. Then two years later, he had adopted Shamsher Malik who was his friend's son. He took him in when his parents had died. Now their children were going to marry. Balraj thought happily. "What do you want to name her?" Malik asks Balraj. "Madhubala... what do you think Rishu?" Balraj asks Rishab. "Madhooo." Rishu says excitedly. Everyone starts laughing seeing his excitement. "Rishu has approved his wife's name." Mohan chuckles. "Madhubala." Balraj calls her lovingly. As he lovingly looked at Madhubala he sees a tiny finger touching Madhubala's cheek. Balraj looks at Rishu and sees him watching Madhubala in fascination. "Looks like Rishu is in love." Radha jokes seeing her son's fascination.

They were growing up together, he was 7 and she was 4, and they were best friends, always together. "Madhu, enough of playing. Come and sleep." Padmini tells her as she watched Rishab and Madhu playing. "Later, Ma." Madhu replies as she continued to play. "Don't make me angry, Madhu. Come." "You sleep. I'll sleep later." "I have been calling you for over an hour." Padmini reminds her. "Rishu is not going to sleep now." Madhu says pointing at Rishab. "That is because he is bigger than you, and he needs to sleep only at 9. It's way past your bed time, Madhu." "I'll sleep when Rishu sleeps." "Madhu, I am getting angry. If your baba comes home and finds you awake he will scold me." "I don't want to sleep now." Madhu sadly pouts. "MADHU!" Padmini starts to shout at her when Rishab jumps in between them and hands on hips he angrily says "You can't shout at her, Chachi!" Padmini was a little taken back seeing his angry pose. She shouldn't be shocked; they were always standing up for each other. Seeing him glaring at her like an avenging angel she couldn't hold her smile in, "And why can't I shout at my daughter?" "Because she is my wife!" "Your wife?" Padmini asks shocked, "How did she become your wife?" Rishab frowns for a while and says, "Dadaji told me." "I am Rishu's wife." Madhu says frowning from behind him. Padmini sighs, she should tell her father-in-law to watch what he was saying to the kids. "Madhu, is your fiance Rishu not wife!" Padmini gently corrects him. "No, my wife!" Rishab tells her stubbornly. "I want to be only Rishu's wife not fee... fee... Fee... I WANT TO BE WIFE!" Madhu says angrily. "Okay baba... fine." Padmini says giving up. "Now Madhu go to bed." When Madhu was about to object, Padmini turns to Rishab and tells him, "Rishu, ask her to go and sleep." "Go and sleep, Madhu." Rishab tells her. "I want to play with you." Madhu says pouting. "We'll play in the morning." Rishab promises her. "Okay." Madhu says sadly and walks to her bedroom. After Padmini goes to the kitchen, Madhu closes her eyes to sleep. She feels her blanket being lifted and someone getting into the bed. "Ma?" Madhu asks scared not opening her eyes. Rishab starts tickling her stomach and Madhu starts laughing happily realizing who it was. "Rishu... stop." "Don't shout. Chachi will hear." Rishab tells her giggling. "What are you doing here?" Madhu whispers as she pulled the blanket over both of them completely. "I came to play with you. You wanted to play right?" Rishab tells her turning to face her and Madhu happily smiles at him as she turned to watch him.

Radha comes knocking on Padmini's bedroom. Malik opens the door for her smiling. "Is he here?" Radha asks. "He slept." Padmini tells her as she lovingly caressed Rishu's hair. "I'll take him to my room." Radha tells them and was about to take Rishab when Madhu in her sleep throws her arms over him. Padmini laughs softly, "Even in sleep she won't leave him. Let him sleep here, bhabhi." "Okay." Radha smiles watching their kids sleep hugging each other, and then she quietly leaves.

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