My Adorable Darling

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Hello everyone, thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous story.

After the heavily melodramatic Give Me Tonight, I wanted to write a very lighthearted story. So, I came up with this. Let me warn you, there isn't much story and this story is pretty blaah.

"Mom... do you know any PG?" Rishabh asks his mother as he walked into his house.

"You're moving to a PG?" Radha asks him with a cheeky grin.

"I doubt we will ever be that lucky." Mohan mutters as he read the newspaper.

"Very funny... It is not for me. I am looking for a PG for a girl." RK explains.

"Girl?" Radha asks frowning suspiciously. "Which girl?"

"For Sultan's sister. He got a transfer and she is studying here. College hostel is full and he is looking for an accommodation for her." RK explains. then he asks his mother in an exasperated tone, "Seriously, Mom. If I had some side business with her do you think I would ask you of all the people?"

"Since I am so innocent you might have thought to fool me." Radha says shrugging.

"Mom! Madhu is Sultan's baby sister."

"How old is she?"


"That is baby for you?" Radha asks exasperated. "She is just 6 years younger to you both."

"Can you talk on the topic?" RK asks at his wits end.

"She can stay here."

"Here?" RK asks surprised.

"You don't spend time with me. Mohan is always busy. I am always bored. She can give me company." Radha tells him.

"Will you stop your abla nari act?" RK asks shocked.

"She can stay here, RK. I'll have company also."

"She has college. She is not going to be sitting at home and giving you company."

"That's perfect then I won't have to baby sit her 24x7." Radha tells him as she got up and walked off.

"Has it ever occurred to you to take her to a psychiatrist?" RK asks his father in exasperation.

"Every single day of my life." Mohan replies as he flipped the newspaper page. "But more than her sanity, I value my life more."

"I've mad parents!" RK says as he put up his hands in frustration.


"Please don't trouble RK. okay?" Sultan whispers to Madhu.

"Why would I trouble him?" Madhu asks her brother offended.

"Just... just don't."

Glaring at her brother, she turns to RK who was walking ahead of her. she hurries to him and taps him on his shoulders. RK turns to her curiously.

"You think I'll trouble you?"

"I surely hope not." RK replies.

Madhu scowls at him.

"Just show me my room." Madhu tells him in a dismissing tone.

"Don't you want to meet my family?" RK asks her.

"Yes please." Madhu says feeling excited. She liked meeting people.

"And Madhu..." RK calls her seeing that she was just going to walk into his house.

"Yes?" Madhu turns to him.

"I'm not going to be lenient like your brother. I'm not going to pamper you like him. As long as you are living under my roof, you will follow my rules."

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