A Thundering part 2

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A knock came to the door waking me up. I let out a groan as I opened my eyes. Rip was already up and out of bed. He had on his shirt and boxers already one. He tugged on his jeans. "I'll be back darlin." He said as he did up his belt buckle.

"Ok." He moved a couple if hairs out of my face and kissed my forehead. I then heard him shut the door. I pulled the blankets closer to my naked body and went back asleep.

The next morning I was waken up by the sun in my eyes. I stretched and looked beside me. Rip layed next to me asleep. He looked younger when he was asleep. I got up and slipped on a shirt of his that was on the floor. I went into the kitchen and started the coffee. Once it was done I grabbed a mug and poured some in before taking a drink. I wondered what happens last night that they had to drag Rip out of bed for?

"This is a view that I'd love to see every morning." I turned to see Rip all dressed and leaning on the door frame.

"Of whitch one? Me in your shirt with nothing else on or the coffee?" I asked with a small smirk. I walked over and put my arms around his neck making me stand on my tip toes. The shirt rose up a bit showing off more skin. I knew he noticed because his eyes was looking down while he kicked his lips.

"Denfintly you." He said before kissing me.

"So what the hell happens last night?" I asked as we ate breakfast.

"Boys had a little trouble in the bar last night so I had to clean it up." Rip replied as he put his plate in the sink. "See you later." He said kissing my head and heading out. I finished my coffee and went and got ready.

I couldn't help but laugh at how uncomfortable Jimmy looked with his hand up the cow's ass. "Don't worry Jimmy only 60 more to do!" I said joining in on the guys poking fun of him.

"Sixty?" He asked as he gagged.

"You like poking fun of him hun?" Dad asked looking at me.

"Kind of. He's like the younger brother I never got." I said.

"I was wanting to stop at Beth but your mom wanted one more. Didn't think we would have twin." We both chuckled.

"But aren't you glad you didn't stop?"

"Yes." He said as he pushed off the  fence. I felt like that point on everything happened in slow motion. Dad started coughing and fell down.

"Dad? Dad!?" I yelled as I dropped down from the fence.

"Dad?" I heard him yell.

"Call 9-1-1!" I yelled as he coughed up blood.

"We can't wait on them." Kayce said.

"Take off his vest." I told Kayce as I held his head to the side so he wouldn't choke.

"Move him to my trailer!" Sam said. I watched as Rip and Kayce moved him. I tried to go in with them.

"Stay out here. Not enough room." Kayce said pushing me out.

"Come over here Carly." Ryan said as he put his arm over my shoulder. He led me a little ways away. I could stop the tears from coming out. I couldn't lose another person. I just couldn't. Ryan held me in a side hug as I cried and bit my thumb nail.

I watched as they loaded my dad in the chopper. This time I was coming with them. Me and Kayce got in behind them. I stared out the window praying that I wouldn't lose another person.

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