Sins of our Father part 1

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When I came back to I was chained in a chair. It had only been two weeks since I had been in this same situation. To say I was over it was a understatement. What did I do to deserve this? What did I do to piss the higher ups that made them do this to me. Memories of what I was doing before they kidnapped me came back. Tate. Please god don't let them have taken Tate. 

"Finally the bitch is up." A voice came and the person started making their way towards me.

"Fuck off."  I told him. He let out a laugh. My face hardened into a glare. 

"Watch it bitch. I would be careful." 

"Why? Afraid I'm going to hurt your feelings? I'm good at that." I said with a smirk. 

"They said you had a mouth on you but I got something that will make you keep your mouth shut."

"Is it your dad? I bet he could shut me up for a little bit. But it wouldn't last." A slapping noise was heard through out the room. My head turned to the side from the force. He then grabbed my jaw and held it and turned it making me look at the only door in the room. 

"This will change your attitude of yours. Bring him in boys." Through the door came a guy that had a dog leash in one hand. My eyes followed it. On the end of it was Tate with a dog coller on that the leash was connected to. His hair was all chopped off. 


"Aunt Carly!" He tried to run to me but the leash stopped him as he chocked form the pressure making me sick. 

"Let him go! I'll do anything! Please let him go!!" 

"I told you that we had something to change you attitude. Stupid fucking bitch. Go chain him up over there in the corner." I watched as they dragged him over their and chained him up. "Now listen here. My men are very lonely and haven't had anything that could fill their needs. And that's been going on for a while. They can do what ever they want to you. And if you fight it then we will do it to him. Got it?" I nodded my head to show that I understood. "Good. I'm first." The clanking of him undoing his belt came. 

Close your eye Tate. I thought. That night I was still chained to the chair. I was battered, bruised, and bleeding.  My head hung low with exhaustion. But I couldn't fall asleep I need to watch over Tate. He had fallen asleep a while ago. A small plate of food was next to him. They were feeding us just enough to keep us going. Looking around I knew there was no way out especially with how weak I am. Poor Tate. I put him in this situation. I should have just went out by myself and feed the damn horse. They made him sit and watch what they did to me. Those sick fucking bastards. Every fiber of me just wanted to give up. But my heart told me I needed to protect Tate. And that's what I was going to do. Even if it cost me my life. I had done everything they had asked of me with out a fight. I wish they would find us soon because I didn't know how much longer I could do this for. 

Day two was the same shit. I twas afternoon I would guess. They were going me a break from this mornings activities. "Please Rip. Please find us." I prayed as the tears came down. Everything was hurting and I wasn't sure if I could make it any longer. 

"Aunt Carly?" Tate called quietly. 

"Yeah bud?" My voice asked as it creaked. My throat was rubbed raw and was killing me. 

"Are you okay?"  Was I? No. Not at all but he didn't need to know that. I was the strong one that was going to take everything so that this little boy didn't get hurt or even killed. He had to much to live for and he didn't need to be traumatized.  

"I'm fine. I'm not going to let them touch you. Understand? 

"You're my hero Aunt Carly." I could feel my heart breaking. Tears were flowing out fast now. How could I be this boys hero? Hero's were supposed to save people and keep them safe. All I did was drag this boy into hell with me. How was I supposed to keep anybody safe. All it seemed like I was good for was getting kidnapped and stuck in situations that I couldn't get anybody out of. If I had kids how was I going to take care of them? Maybe this was sign not have kids. 

All of the sudden  I heard shooting  coming from downstairs. Shots were ringing out. There was no where for Tate to hide at all. My mind was racing with plans with situations. Somebody kicked the door in. Making both me and Tate scream. 

"It's okay. It's okay. I promise. We found you." It sounded like Kayce. I pinched my eyes shut and opened them making sure he was real. 

"Are you real?" I whispered. 

"I'm real." 

"Get Tate. Get him first." I sobbed. 

"Ryan get up here! I found them." He called behind him before heading over to Tate. Ryan rushed in behind him. He saw me and ran over to me. 

"Thank god. Thank god." I sobbed out. 

"We are going to get you out of her Carly. I'm going to take the chains off." I nodded. He took them off and I fell against him. 

"Where's Rip?" I asked. 

"He's coming. Kayce she's hurt bad we need to take her to a hospital."

Rip's Prov

I skidded into the parking lot of the hospital on two wheels. They had found her. I parked not giving a shit where it was before I raced in. "Where is she." I commanded at Kayce. I had to see her. 

"She's getting look at by the doctor. Rip it's not pretty."

"Worse then last time?" 

"Yeah. She passed out before we got here." Tears in his eyes. 

"Fuck." Why did she have to go through this. It made me feel like shit that I haven't been able to protect her. I paced the waiting room. The nurses kept giving me dirty looks but I didn't give a flying fuck. I had been here half and hour and hadn't heard a thing and it was pissing me off. 

"Carly and Tate Dutton family?" The doctor asked. 

"That's us." I called out. He came over and sat down. I took the seat next to Kayce across from the doctor. 

"Carly is in pretty bad shape. with multiple injuries all over. It looks like she's been raped several times. I placed an IV in her to hydration. I've also been giving her pain medications. She's sleeping know. Physical shes going to be fine but mental I'm not sure." 

"What about my son?" Kayce asked. 

"He's a little dehydrated too. But he seems just fine. He's asleep to in Carly's room. Said he wasn't going to leave her. Mr. Dutton I would be very thankful for your sister. It seems like she protected him and made sure nobody touched him."

"Can we see them?" 

"Yes just be gentle with both of them." We nodded and followed him into the room. In the bed was Carly and next to her also in the bed was Tate. I went in and sat in the chair. My poor angel. I held her hand gently. Please let her be okay. I needed her. Everybody needed her but especially me. I don't know what I would do with out her. 

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