Touching Your Enemy

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I had my chin resting on the fence. I was a bit upset that I wasn't riding with the boys today. But I had things that needed done today. "Next time I will denfintly lock the damn door." I told Rip.

"Ya that's a good idea." He said with a laugh. Suddenly I felt guilty of all the shit that he had to go through.

"Rip. I'm so sorry about everything that's been going on. It's been a real shit show. I should have faught harder and."

"Hey." He said gently intrupting me. "I'm sorry is two words you never have to say to me." I went to argue but a soft glare had me stop.

"Your incredible. You know that?" He winked at me.

"Now I'm going to go ride off in the sunset." A grin came on his face that made my heart flutter and my knees weak.

"That's the sunrise." I said with a chuckle.

"Shit! You know what I meant."

"Ya cowboy I did." He turned and rode off. I let out a sigh. Now to get down to business. I walked into the house and sat at the table.

"Your walk is angry sweetheart." Dad commented.

"I have good reason." I answered.

"I'm gonna check the airfield in Deer Lodge." Kayce said and keeped talking making me zone out.

"Why did you walk in here angry?" Dad asked breaking me out of my zone. I looked around and noticed in was just me and my dad at the table.

"Why is Rip living in the bunk house and cleaning out horse stalls? He's a grown man!"

"They're all grown men honey."

"Then he should be living in one of the rooms here more particularly in my room with me."

"He doesn't want to stay here. Rip living in the bunk house is an obstacle you can overcome. If that's what you chose Carly." My eyes narrowed at him.

"Don't make this about me." My nose twitched in anger. "He looks at you like a father."

"But I'm not his father. I'm Kayce's father. Rip isn't being punished. I'm making a shift. He's making a sacrifice. How that works out. How I reward that is how I see fit. I hope that's enough for you. You need to trust me."

"Ya. That's enough for me." I said with a sigh. It wasn't really the answer I was wanting but it was all I'm getting from him.

"Ok honey. Go ruin some body else's day." He kissed the top of my head.

"We'll see what the day holds."

I sat on the fence watching Travis work with a horse. "Hey Carly. I got a question." I turned to see Jimmy.

"Shoot." I told him. He climbed up on the fence next to me.

"How can I earn some more money?" I looked at him funny.

"Um.. He usually wins it."

"Wins it how?"

"With shit we do everyday. Bronc riding, roping, bull dogging, cutting and my favorite barrels. But I hate to break it to you but you have to be good to win." He looked down at the ground before looking at me again.

"Can we try something?"

"Ok sure. There having a sliding contest today. That's why Travis is here. You can try that. Let's go saddle up." I went and saddle up Sprite while Jimmy got his horse saddled up.

"Alright. Now watch what I do." We were in an arena. Me and Sprite at one side while Jimmy was on the other. I kicked Sprite up into a run. When time was right I leaned back and pulled my reains back. Sprite stopped and slide. "Good boy." I told him as I petted his neck. "Kay you try."

Jimmy nodded and went to where I started. He then ran down and slide about two feet. "How'd I do?"

"Um.. Well.... I... would keep trying." I said with an awkward smile.

I was on Sprite sitting with the other cowboys plus a couple people Travis came with. Each if them taking turns sliding. Colby was measuring how far they went. "All right well fuck it." Rip said.

"Want me to hold your beer?" Travis asked.

"Nope beers going with me."

"All right." I chuckled at the two. Rip slide but didn't make it past the top two.

"All right boys time for me to show y'all how it's done." I ran Sprite and pulled him to a stop. We slide down the arena.

"You missed the leader by two inches." Colby told me. I couldn't help but fell a little disappointed.  But the only other girl here was the leader.

"We got to keep these guys humble some how right?"

"Hell ya." She replied as we slammed palms together in a high five. I went over and stood by Rip.

"Are we really that much trouble?" He asked.

"You have no clue." I said with a smile and a wink was sent his way. He laughed and shook his head. I looked over and saw Lloyd talking to Jimmy. Jimmy had told Lloyd what he had told me. So I was hoping to god that Lloyd talked him out of it. "Or not." I thought as Jimmy rode over to us.

"I don't want to take money from a wrangler." I went to say something but Rip beat me to it.

"Listen if he's dumb enough to play in this game. You should take every cent from him."

"You sure?"

"Travis teach the son of a bitch a lesson. Will you please?" I let out a sigh as he went to go explain the rules. I then watched as Jimmy only slide about three feet. I shook my head as I rode off.

"Hey where you going?" Rip asked.

"I don't want to watch this. I think if Jimmy as a little brother. And I know that I can't save him all the time but it don't mean that I have to stay and watch." Rip nodded and squeezed the hand that was down at my side.

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