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I threw the covers off me and ran to the bathroom. Dropping to my knees I made it just in time to hurl into the toilet. This was the third day this week. Not mentioning the four times last week. And that was only counting the mornings. "I think its time to go to the doctor." Rip said as he held my hair back and rubbed my back. I nodded as I got up and flushed. 

"I think that's what I'm going to do today. Because I'm sick of it." I said before I brushed my teeth. I had been blaming it on the stress of the past three and half months. Three moths ago Kayce and the livestock agents had killed all the Beck brothers to rescue Tate and I. Well the news had gotten a hold of it. And we had been dealing with that. Trying to keep in under control. Also two moths ago me and Rip moved into the new house. I finished up brushing my teeth and went and sat on the bed. I twas almost 6 meaning my alarm was going to go off soon. It wasn't even worth me climbing back into bed. I went and made breakfast for me and Rip. 

"Promise you will go to the doctor today?" Rip asked after we finished breakfast. 

"I promise." I told him as I watched him put his coat and hat on. 

"Okay. Let me know what they say. I love you." 

"I love you too." A quick kiss and he was out the door. I cleaned up the kitchen and then went and got dressed. As I went into the bathroom to brush my hair a package caught my eye. Tampons. A thought came forward. I hadn't had my period for about two months. I had one a week after getting kidnapped. My world started to spin. I went and sat on toilet. Pregnant? Could I be? Of course I could be. Once my world had stopped spinning. I went to the cabinet. There was only one way to find out. I pulled out a pregnancy test. Doing what the test said I set it on the counter up side down and started the timer.

I paced around in the bathroom. What would happen if I was? Of course I would keep it. I couldn't see Rip wanting to get rid of it either. He or she would be so loved. Especially by me and Rip. But what scared me was it would be just another thing to be used against us. But starting a family would be so great. I could see my dad playing with it. I could also see Beth not wanting to let them go. I could also see me and Rip being great parents. My alarm sounded pulling me out of my thoughts. I shut it off and picked up the test. This would be a life changing moment for us. Would me and Rip be parents or was it just a false alarm. "Stop being chicken shit Carly Dutton look at it." I quickly flipped the test over. 

Two pink lines showed on the test. I swear my heart dropped. I slid down the counter onto the ground. This was life changing. Me and Rip were having a baby. I called the local OBGYN to schedule and appointment once I got over the shock. Luckily they had one for today. I wiped my tears off and got off the floor. I put the test in my night stand by the ring so that Rip wouldn't find it. I wanted to tell him myself. I wanted to tell him tonight once I was 100 percent sure I was. I grabbed my purse and key and went out the door. 

The doctors office was pretty easy to find. I went in and checked in. After filling out paper work and waiting fifteen minutes I was called back. The nurse took my vitals and asked me more questions then told me the doctor would be in soon. 

"Hi. Ms. Dutton. I'm Dr. Lainey." A green eyed red hair women said as she came into the room. "I've heard that you think your pregnant?" 

"Yes ma'am. I've been getting really sick most mornings. And today it just dawned on me that I haven't had a period in about two months. So then I took a test and it came out positive. And now I'm here." 

"Okay. Well lets do an ultrasound and see what we can see. If you could lay back and roll up your shirt I will go get the ultrasound." I nodded and did what she told me to do. She rolled the ultrasound in and got it going. She put gel on my stomach and rubbed the wand around. 

"Okay so your in fact pregnant. This is your baby right here." She said pointing at the screen. I started to cry quietly. She flipped a switch and a bump bump went through the room. "It has a very strong heart beat. I would say your about seven weeks along. I'm going to print you out a picture. Then get you some vitamins and pills for your morning sickness. Then you'll be good to go." 

"Thank you." 

I couldn't sit still when I got home. I was going to propose to Rip tonight. Then tell him we were expecting. I was excited but nervous as hell. The house had been cleaned from top to bottom as I waited for him to get home. All the dishes had been cleaned. The laundry was clean and put away. Finally I went and sat on the porch with a case of beer for him. The sun shone down across the land. 

"Hey darlin." He said walking up to me. He sat down next me and I kissed him. 

"Hey baby." 

"Not that I mind you being out here but why are you out here?" 

"I was waiting for you." 


"Well I have a question for you." I twisted my body so I could see his face. 

"What is it honey?" 

I took a deep breath. Well here we go. "We've been together since I was 13 and you were 16. We've had our ups and downs, seen the good, bad and ugly. We've grown so much together and I wouldn't have in any other way. I love you with all my heart and can't see there being anybody else for me. I want forever with you. I want to sit on the porch in rocking chairs growing old with you." I dug the ring out of pocket and held it up for him to see. "So what i'm asking you because I'm tired of waiting is will you marry me?"  

"Hang on." He told me getting up.


"Just hang on." He told me as he went inside. Well that's not how I saw that going. I let out a huff of air. Did he not want to marry me? Fear was coursing through me. I felt like I had been punch in the stomach. "It's not what your thinking." He told me as he grabbed my hand and helped me up. We walked into the grass in front of the porch. 

"This isn't funny Rip." I told him. 

"I know." He got down on one knee in front of me. "Carly when I first meet you I could just tell that you were going to be huge part of my life. I just didn't realize how big you would be. I love how smart and beautiful you are. And how if you want something your going to get it. I love you more then anything else. I want to grow old with you. I was just waiting to get my mother's ring resized to propose. I know you beat me to it but I'm still going to ask Carly Dutton will you marry me?" 

A relived laugh came out. "Yes cowboy I'll marry you but only if you marry me?" 

"Yes darlin I'll marry you." He got up and pulled me close. He slipped the ring on my finger and I did the same with him. The ring was a simple silver band with little turquoise stones around it.  The kiss was long and passionate.  

"One more thing that I need to tell you." I told him after we broke the kiss. 

"What's that?" I slipped the ultrasound picture out of my back pocket and handed it to him. 

"I'm pregnant." He held it with shaking hands. My hands found their way to my still flat stomach. 

"We're going to have a baby?" His voice quivered. 

"Yeah." My voice cracked as I cried. His hands went over mine as we both cried. "There going to be so loved." 


That night we were curled up in bed together. "What are you thinking about baby?" Rip asked. 

"The wedding and the baby." 

"Well let's start talking about the wedding. What are you thinking with that?" 

"Well I kind of want to have it soon before I'm to big." Rip rolled his eye at the last part. 

"Okay. Well lets have it in two weeks." My eyes widened. "Hang on before you thoughts start to run wild think about it. I know that you and I both just want a small wedding with just family and friends. And I'm sure Beth will help you out." I sat and thought for a moment. He was right. He had hit everything right on the head. 

"Your right lets do it in two weeks." He smiled. 

"Two weeks and I can call you my wife. I like that."

"And I can call you my husband. Lets do it." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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